lillenisse Member


  • Hey Jat74, Like you I’m within the normal BMI range for my height and what is working for me is TDEE – 20%. I calculated my TDEE as light activity as I walk to and from work every day. I then deducted 20% from this number and aim to net that number (1570) every day. This means that I log all the additional exercise that I…
  • ^^^^This! Just take it one step at a time. One change at a time. All those little steps and changes will eventually add up to huge leaps and transformations. If you are really serious about changing your lifestyle and would like some support then please feel free to add me as a friend. :flowerforyou:
  • Absolutely jaw-droppingly AMAZING. What an incredible transformation and great values that you are instilling in your little girl. Well done for all your effort and hard work and good luck with the rest of the journey!
  • I can completely relate to what you’re feeling. Inside I feel like a strong, independent and free spirit but I can’t remember the last time I looked at myself and saw what I feel, I know I have at some point in my life, just not for a very long time. The good news is that this is recently starting to change. Since I’ve…
  • I’m not taking a dig here because I am definitely guilty of this myself but... Consumerism at its worst. If ever there was a reason to limit food advertising based on nutritional value, this is it. Just wondering if you’d be craving those donuts as much if they hadn’t been shoved in your face by those all too tempting…
  • Thanks for your help Sannsk! After looking through the comments, much debate in the office, and consulting the only person in our office who has ever baked bread, we have decided that the recipe was actually for 2 loaves, not 1. Stupid recipe, why it couldn't write how many loaves this was for I'll never know...:grumble:…
  • @StealthSLOTH; Welcome to Denmark :-)
  • Yes, it was a Danish website and the ingredients for 1 loaf were: Buttermilk 100ml Wheat Flour 750g! Durum Flour 125g Yeast 3g Water 500ml Honey 40g Salt 25g Am I missing something? I'm not a huge baker of bread so don't really have any context here!
  • Hmmmm, well now I'm confused:smile: I added the recipe I found online to the MFP recipe tool to get my original results. I've never seen this site before (but thank you - what a great site!) I really, really want to hope that the dailyburn website is correct!
  • @sannsk; I think it's quite a traditional loaf of bread here so I was able to find a recipe online. It may not be the exact same recipe the baker uses but I think it must be closer than anything I found in the log. Oh, and to answer your questions - very full and very, VERY thirsty! :wink:
  • @ lauraceaerosa; it's a bread called skagensbrød, a bread originally from the town of Skagen in Denmark I guess (I live in Copenhagen) @minijag06 That is a good point! It's my rest day from the gym today but I'm thinking an extra intensive workout tomorrow is in order! :smile:
  • I've downloaded Spin Lite so that if for some reason I miss a spin class, I can do my own 'make up session' on the individual spin bikes at the gym. I haven't had a chance to use the app yet so I'll be interested to see if anyone else has any tried and tested apps but Spin lite gives you 3 training options and 5 different…
  • Well done you for dropping the first 30lbs! Perhaps you need to switch up your routine a little to kick start the weight loss again? Why not try upping your calories a little? It may be that since you started this journey, the needs of your body have changed, especially if you are now a more efficient ‘machine’ than…
  • DON'T GIVE UP - YOU CAN DO THIS! We all have days like this, when we feel that it’s not moving the way we want to, or it’s not moving fast enough, or we’re not feeling better enough - but in the words of Pete Hein...TTT...Things Take Time. Maybe you could try to stop comparing your weight loss to others. This is your…
  • I don’t understand how anyone can not like the taste of water – it doesn’t taste of anything! It’s like sticking your tongue out and saying you don’t like the taste of the air :wink: I do however understand that sometimes, depending on where you live, the water can be different quality i.e I live in the city center and our…
  • Ha ha ha! The above is hilarious. I love this thread!
  • I was petrified of going to spinning class with a friend after I had a torturous spinning experience a few years ago. I now go twice a week, and absolutely love it! Best advice I can give a beginner is DO NOT BE AFRAID. You control the resistence of the bike and can go as fast or slow as you like so use the first calss or…
  • Just wanted to say thanks all for your great suggestions and comments. Even though my body will be burning calories around the clock, and even if it is not 100% accurate I think I will try to log them under cardio exercise. This may sound a little odd but seeing the work I've put in during the day's summary really helps me…