

  • Lots of great info! Makes sense as just eating a 400 calories less is MUCH easier that working off 400 calories at the gym!
  • Wow that's incredible! well done! Yeah i see what your saying... i'm pretty close to my goal but plateued recently for a few weeks, wasn't sure if this was mainly down to diet or because i need to work harder / go more often to the gym.
  • Doesn't burning calories at the gym help with the calorie deficit, therefore weight loss?
  • Wow, congratulations on your weight loss, and more importantly, for maintaining it! Because you've managed to maintain your goal weight for 10 months, its unlikely your body will put on a lot of weight that quickly. I think the tip is it switch unhealthy substitutes as much as you can (i know it's hard when eating out!)…
  • There you go! If you're not feeling the strain as much as you did in the beginning, then you won't be losing like you did in the beginning. Keep positive, stay motivated and the results will come before you know it. For the mean time, enjoy waking up and feeling healthier rather than knowing you ate badly the day before,…
  • Motivate yourself on progression, not perfection. Once you get into the swing of things, you will get your confidence back in no time. Try cutting sugar down in your diet, switch unhealthy snacks to healthier cereal bars / fruit / low fat yoghurts / smoothies, anything that hasn't got high saturated fats. As for meals, eat…
  • Congrats on losing 29lbs! i'm not expert on stomach bugs vs weight loss, but I'm just going my experience of losing weight. Ignore the number on the scale during your stomach bug. Your body is obviously ill therefore losing fat will be the last thing it will want to do while your ill. Be sure to eat fruit and veg to get…
  • RELAX! You will only put the weight back on if you totally give up. The 4 pounds you've put on recently will come right back off you if you switch your habits today. I've read your post a couple of times but please correct me if i'm wrong! When do you find out you shifts? I think they key for you is preparation. For…