Woo woo you bet we are!!! No more flabby arms or back fat for us.. just sexy brides!
Well geeze, now you're just making me tear up!!
LOVED reading this - so true, thank you :)
Yay, congratulations!!! Nothing like standing in front of a crowd to get your butt on track. Let's hit goals together :)
Aw, congrats on hitting a milestone! Happy for you :)
Ummmmmmm WOW! You're so modest too! Damn rockstar, congrats on the HUGE loss. Such an inspiration!
So your pics are freakin amazing and your transformation.. INCREDIBLE! Your shirt in the first pic - AMAZING! Congrats on your awesome loss!
The usually come right off. Only time I keep them on is if I'm doing a double workout soon afterwards!
I'd say I'm probably in better shape as I am better with nutrition (and drink less beer than he does!) but in terms of working out, there's a lot more he can do than I can. He can run a 10k no problem, he can get through Insanity without taking breaks and he has a very physical job, whereas I don't. We have struggled with…
Added :)
Oh sounds beautiful!!! I'll count you in :)
Hahaha love that! My arms are my BIGGEST target too! Back fat is already on it's way to being scorched!
Awesome photos girl. I think you're awesome for posting and I love the dress :)
Come on, I KNOW there's tons of brides out there!
I'm starting my wedding dress shopping in 2 weeks, I better go get sweating!!!!!!!!!!!
That's awesome info, thanks so much!!
That's meeee! Adding you :)
Sweating and wedding talk... I love it!! Who else is getting married soon?!
That's awesome! Well thanks for the add, we're doing it together!
That's kind of what I figured as well. I wonder how some women have it and others dont.
woo woooooo you go girl! congrats on the loss!!!
Such a great idea!! Congrats on the loss so far and your determination in this big journey! Feel free to add me as a friend for some extra motivation! And follow me too @samanthaleethomas. I'll go follow you now as well :)
Just check your inbox as I sent you the link to join :)
Got it, added!
HAHAHA story of my life, right!!!!
Added you both and excited to have you!!!
Welcome back!!! Feel free to add me :)
Thank you all SOO much for the support!! Happy to have you join :)
I've sent you all a message to be added to the group. Thank you all for the support and joining us :)
No experts needed!! Just the willingness to provide and accept support and motivation :)