underwatermama Member


  • Thank you for posting. I was able to google it to see what it looks like. It's ok. The only shirt I really didn't like that I've got was the white one from I think two years ago? It just feels awkward, with the band at the bottom. But it was FREE, and I earned it. ;) Maybe we should start a thread later this year when we…
  • What does the shirt look like? Black or white or another color this year?
  • I'm hoping they do the free shirt for attending 150 classes again this year, if they run that promo again (I've done it the last 3 years). I'm not sure of a class total for the year. I go to two facilities so I have to ask them for my attendance and then add them together. Once I get the shirt, I don't ask for the totals…
  • My partner and I did too. I was so glad it was a towel promotion this year. So useful and cute!!
  • I've been to a few, Christmas, Halloween and 80's come to mind. The most memorable one was a Michael Buble set. I think the instructor had all but two songs by him.
  • Hi! I started going to Jazzercise in 1985-ish. Not solid, but that's when I started and for awhile I had a gym membership via work, so I didn't go there, but I sure did miss it. Aerobics just isn't the same as a jazzercise class. Body changes...well, exercise isn't an issue since I go to class quite often (got 150 class…
  • Wow, that's a lot of classes. I made it over 150 again this year (and got my t-shirt), but I'm sure it would have been more if I hadn't had to take two months off to recover from surgery. Oh, and I'm new here -- just joined today and of course had to search for a Jazzercise group. I love going to therapy, er...exercise…