

  • Some great ideas here. I'm veggie and will take some if these on board - especially the freezer as it retains the goodness - and save money as supermarket bargains are usually bags that are too big for me to get through just keeping the stuff in the fridge. Making soup and liquidising some or all of it seems to be more…
  • Yup, over 60. Doing the 5 - 2 diet where I eat 1/4 of my normal cals (500 cals) 2 days a week and ordinary food the rest of the time. Is making me feel good and gently shifting the lbs - apparently makes the metabolism work better and it does seem to be making a difference. Dr Mosely trialled it on the BBC Horizon…
  • I'm sure everyone is right - better to be safe... Good luck - and from seeing others recover from heart problems, you will be able to exercise again although you'll need to take the doc's advice about how to ease into it, so don't worry, you'll get back on track :smile: .
  • 1. Sometimes we put weight on when exercising as muscle weighs more than fat, but if that is happening, you should see inch loss. So measuring is probably more important than weighing. It's hard to get your head around switching to inches as the main measure as the whole calorie/weight relationship is so logical, but I'd…
  • Sugar is addictive so the only way is to quit. You'll solve a lot of health and weight issues in one go. Try fruit - tastes great and contains natural sugars that are not artificially concentrated and come packaged with fibre for a slow release so won't harm you. Plus they give you great minerals and vitamins. Fruit juice…
  • Muscle weighs more than fat so it could be a sign that you've converted fat to muscle. This is great because more muscles will naturally burn off more fat. It's also a good reason for not getting too hung up on weight - it's just one useful general statistic. Try checking your measurements as I usually find I have inch…