weight gain after starting couch to 5k?

has anyone gained weight with the couch to 5k program? I started it 2 weeks back and found I've gained about 2.5 pounds.


  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    The program is designed to increase your level of fitness, not for weight loss. That being said 2.5 pounds is a very small number. It could be water weight.

    Has your diet changed? Are you eating back all of the calories you are burning from C25K? If the answer is yes and you are sure it is not just water weight, then it is possible you are overestimating the calories you are burning from the program? I know some different fitness apps estimate vastly different caloric burn rates.

    Congratulations on starting the program! It seems to be quite popular on MFP. I ran my first 5k on Dec 1st
  • Penny501
    Muscle weighs more than fat so it could be a sign that you've converted fat to muscle. This is great because more muscles will naturally burn off more fat. It's also a good reason for not getting too hung up on weight - it's just one useful general statistic. Try checking your measurements as I usually find I have inch losses when I have unexplained weight gain after good exercise and diet. Also monitoring your mood - exercise can make you feel better. I'll take inch loss and feeling better over weight loss without the other benefits every time! Congratulations - you're getting fitter and hopefully happier.
  • mamababy2012
    Thanks for the replies.

    My diet - well I am counting calories with MFP, and I haven't increased my food intake .. except say 2 days for christmas and new years.

    I did check my measurements, and yes a couple of measurements have gone down half an inch to an inch.

    I suppose I'll just keep on at it, though it is disconcerting to see an increase in weight even if there is some reduction in inches :).
  • MrsPixelbark
    MrsPixelbark Posts: 175 Member
    Firstly, muscle doesn't weigh more than fat, it's just more compact than fat. So for the same volume of fat/muscle, muscle would weigh more. Also, you don't tend to put on muscle on a calorie deficit. What you do however put on is water weight when starting a new exercise program, which is what I suspect is happening here. :) Either that or you overate by a good 7000 calories during Christmas!

    Keep at it, enjoy the program (I can honestly say C25K changed my life- it's an amazing program- don't give up), keep up with the logging (make sure you weigh everything- don't eyeball things) and the weight will start coming off as long as you stay within your calorie count.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Weight gain, or fat gain? Try and separate those two things in your head. As it sounds like you haven't been eating over your TDEE (apart from maybe two days) the most likely thing is that your muscles are retaining water as they repair themselves. This is very normal when you start a new exercise programme or increase intensity. Probably, your Christmas splurge has made you retain a little water too.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Firstly, muscle doesn't weigh more than fat, it's just more compact than fat. So for the same volume of fat/muscle, muscle would weigh more.
    This is pretty much what everyone who says "muscle weighs more than fat" on MFP means. Per volume, it weighs more. That's what people are getting at, just sometimes in less scientifically precise language. Agree with everything else you said though. :smile:
  • mamababy2012
    Thanks all for the replies. Will keep on at it and hope to see a reduction in the scales at some point .. :)
  • Sycoholic
    Sycoholic Posts: 282 Member
    Im currently watching what i eat in an attempt to drop body fat but have been lifting heavily at the gym. I fluctuate in about a 5lb qindow. I doubted i was losing any fat until i measured myself. I lost 2" around my belly! You need to get a baseline of measurements and recheck them about every two weeks. Building muscle and losing fat is hard to distinguish by just looking at the numbers on a scale.
  • Dreamerlove
    Dreamerlove Posts: 441 Member
    maybe you're building muscle, try measuring yourself to find out. Some people gain when working out because they think they can eat more, are you watching your cals?
  • mamababy2012
    I am watching my food intake, but I normally go over my calorie limits by 150-250 cals. Tho it is still at a deficit compared to how I ate before joining MFP. I did take my measurements about a week back and I have lost an inch or two here and there, my husband says I'm looking slimmer, but I guess I'm just blinded by the number on the scales.