My personal trainer just told me the other day that it doesn't so much matter how many reps or sets you may do, but it's important to switch it up. For example, some days he may have me do 3 sets of 15 on biceps but another day he has me working the biceps more on a time schedule, like for a min straight with less weight.…
You can gain muscle by just doing some light toning exercises. For example, free weights I think are best. You can target different muscle groups. The key is to have enough weight to where you are still doing the form correctly but towards the end of the reps and sets that you do, your muscles are becoming fatigued. They…
How long did it take you to lose the 55lbs? Congratulations by the way...that's a great accomplishment!
Thank you. I appreciate the support. What are your goals?
I personally feel the most important thing you can do is take it one day at a time. Do not allow yourself to become discouraged or overwhelmed by the decision you have made. Baby will do great! Good luck! :)