MST13 Member


  • I am not that picky, I will eat just about anything! I am not a fan of steak though, and I don't care for chocolate flavored stuff too much (like chocolate ice cream or cake). Oh, and I cannot stand coffee!!! Don't like the smell of it either.
  • I usually shower and just wet my hair without washing it. Gets the sweat out, but doesn't dry it too much by washing. I am the same, my hair gets super frizzed out if I wash it more than 2 or 3 times a week. I have heard of people using baby powder just along the hairline, but I am not sure how well that works. Might also…
  • The Hal Higdon half marathon training program is great! I agree with the other posters, build up your long runs slowly. I got married right in the middle of my training and did a 7.5 mile run the morning of my wedding! Have fun and congrats on the wedding!!!
  • I am exactly the same! After about the 20 minute mark, I feel great. Running is my time to think, and I always feel great after a good run. I love it!
  • Swedish House Mafia. Love them!
  • I love this! All us ladies come in so many beautiful sizes! I am 5'8" 145lbs 22" thigh 13.5" calves BF is 22% I am learning to love my legs more and more! They carried me all the way through a marathon last year!
  • I would love to still live in my city (Richmond, VA) but my husband and I own a home with a big sunny backyard. I would be in charge of all our gardens, and have a big basement with all my canned goods and cold storage for all our produce. We would have honey bees and chickens and our greenhouse. And my job would be close…
    in Dream Life Comment by MST13 March 2013
  • Count me in! Not sure what I am getting myself into, but I am up for a challenge! :)
  • We have only been married for 1 1/2 years, but he truly is my best friend! I am so inspired by all of these wonderful posts, and I cannot wait for many more years to come with my best friend and teammate in life. :)
  • I want to join! May is my graduation as well, and it would be great to have some group support. Thank you!