How long until you enjoyed running?



  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    It also depends on 'why' an individual chooses to could be training for an event, or just looking to stay fit. Running isn't for everyone, but the more you do it, the more you learn about yourself, in particular your ability to do things you thought were not possible.

    As you get better, you will understand the dynamics of running a lot better, learn to conserve energy and when to turn on the jets...and it is true, you can enter the magical zen-like trance that runners covet so much.

    Persevere and learn to understand how it all works..all the pieces matter!

    But if it isn't for you, then there are lots and lots of other things that you might enjoy...enjoyment is the key here...doing stuff you find a chore makes it easier to be more demotivating to exercise.

    For what it's worth, i made FIVE abortive attempts to learn how to run with c25k..6th time was the charm for me. I ran my first 20 miles today.
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    Improved cardiovascular health is another benefit of running. Some of the benefits of running include lowering the blood pressure and helping the arteries to maintain their elasticity. While runner, the arteries expand and contract approximately three times as much as they do when you are sedentary.

    Running is also beneficial for slowing down the aging process. Those who run regularly are less likely to experience bone and muscle loss as they age at the same pace as those who do not run regularly or at all. The bones grow and become stronger by responding to physical demands.

    Running can also have many psychological benefits. Most significantly runners typically report being happier and feeling less stressed than their counterparts who do not run or exercise regularly. Running actually has the ability to alter an individuals moods because hormones called endorphins are released while running. These hormones create a sense of euphoria often referred to as a runner’s high and can result in an improvement in the runner’s mood. Running has also been reported to alleviate stress

    Improved coordination is another worthwhile benefit which may be gained from running. This may seem surprising to many who assume it is not possible to gain these types of benefits from running simply because it is such a simple sport. However, there is some coordination involved in running.
  • jdlyng
    jdlyng Posts: 19 Member
    Been running since January 1st 2013.... I'm still waiting to like it too. I usually do at least 15 miles a week, not all at once. I asked my runner friend the same question... he said loving it is a choice. He chooses to love it because of the health benefits.
  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    I first started running when I joined the military (forced running, of course). I hated it until I got good at it, then it became a pride thing (feeling proud of my performance). When I stopped running and started up again years later, I loved it right away because I'd learned to love it during basic training.

    So, basically, it took 9 weeks for me to love running, but once I started loving it, I never stopped.
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    I don't understand. "Enjoyed" and "running" cannot be in the same sentence.

    No, I'm kidding - my husband LOVES running. And I always kind of thought that I would love running, too, but it just never happened. However, I am madly in love with my bicycle. :-)

    Also, I love your profile name. I was originally a clarinet performance major in college. Now I have a career not at all related. How does that happen?
  • ameliaannakin
    ameliaannakin Posts: 344 Member
    I love the buzz I get from finishing a run and I love the time it gives me to think and focus. I don't necessarily like the running itself though, after I finish a run though I feel great!

  • MST13
    MST13 Posts: 20 Member
    Every time I run, I love mile 1, hate mile 2 all the way until mile 3. Then it gets awesome. Every single time I go out.
    I'm editing this to add that I used Couch to 5k, and that made it easier, more fun, and a really obvious way to see progress which kept me motivated when the runs were hard. Just ran my first 5k today and destroyed my average time I've done on my solo runs.
    I'm the exact same way! I HATE it until I'm 3-4 miles in.

    I am exactly the same! After about the 20 minute mark, I feel great. Running is my time to think, and I always feel great after a good run. I love it!
  • marinegirl92
    marinegirl92 Posts: 184 Member
    I think of running as my ALONE time to see whats going on in the world, listen to my music, exercise at my natural pace and be outside. Anytime I can do that I feel so peaceful therefore running to me is enjoyable.

    When I was in the military I did not enjoy running cause I was forced to run like a pack of cheetahs was running after me (aka unnaturally fast pace for me) Now that I can go at my own speed I thoroughly ENJOY it.

    Give it some time - maybe think about it differently than "going for a run"!

  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    After 2-3 weeks of running 5 days per week.
  • jzsor12
    jzsor12 Posts: 69
    I've never really enjoyed it but I couldn't do it without my ipod I need that motivation
  • fitandstrongg
    It took me about two months and I was hooked. It made me feel energentic and I just felt freat after I ran and It made it easy for me to keep my mind off of other things!
  • TNR32
    TNR32 Posts: 110 Member
    Ran for a year and never liked it in fact I hate it and cannot figure out why people love it but I started biking and love that I love that I can just hop on my bike and go for miles I have run errands on my bike during the summer and wear my daughter out in the process. I just love biking and found running is not for me.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    After I finished C25K and I was able to go on an actual 'trail' run, I was hooked for life. Nothing compares!
    Also, this winter I did the C25K bridge to 10K for weight loss. I didn't lose any weight but I'll tell you something, a 5K is a lot easier now. lol
  • NaughtyForties
    As the posts above suggest everyone is different, I hate running. When I started I ran 3 miles (5,000k) in 36 mins (I think). My lasted PB is 24 mins 32 Sec. I hate the first 10 mins, then I find my pace and it gets easier.

    Once I'm on the final stretch I look forward to completing. When I've hit 3 miles (5,000k) I then continue running for as long as I can. That led me to completing 10,000k + just because I could.

    As @ChasinPavemnt points out, there are so many health benefits that enjoying it is on the back burner for me. I get so much more out of it than enjoyment. Stick with methinks, we all turn a corner and there's no telling when you'll turn yours. Good luck....

  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,661 Member
    I really like this thread. :) I've been running for 2 years and I still haven't figured out why I keep it up. I had thought I was just a masochist, but it's nice to see that I'm not alone.

    I started running when I heard on the radio that the requirements to become a police officer was a 2 mile run in under 20 minutes. While I had no desire to join the police, I thought it sounded reasonable, and I wanted to try. I still haven't made my goal. I may just be the slowest runner to ever keep trying for 2 years.

    Now, I'm working on ramping up the mileage for Tough Mudder. Warrior Dash is looking SO much easier. While I don't really enjoy running, yet, I do enjoy a mud run. Well, I enjoyed Warrior Dash twice last year. I'm scared of Tough Mudder.
  • MissFitee
    MissFitee Posts: 106 Member
    It took me until "Zombies, Run!" app was released to enjoy running. After that I couldn't get enough of running, gathering meds and gadgets and saving people from zombies.

    I also enjoyed running much more when I went to the states(Im from Sweden). In the states everything was so new and different so wherever I went I knew there was something new to discover just around the corner. =) Exploring is fun, and running is much faster than walking.
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    I can't say that I love running but I only do so outdoors when the weather is good.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I've been running since October. I wouldn't say I love it yet.

    Strange thing though - I look forward to each run.
  • basschick
    basschick Posts: 3,502 Member
    I never got to that point and I've been running for years. It's why I don't run very often. I'm in pretty good shape but, for some reason, I can't run for more than about 2 miles. I finally gave up and now do exercises that I enjoy like weight lifting, spinning, jumping rope, dancing, etc. Many studies indicate that too much steady state cardio (like running) can impede weight loss. It raises hormone levels that make you hungry and burns up muscle. If you want to get in shape and lose weight, do high intensity interval training like circuit training, jump rope intervals, or even running/walking intervals, and lift heavy weights!