fougamou Member


  • THIS! I think there is more to the algorithm than just step counting --- Now that I am in maintenance, I am seeing how accurate the calorie estimate is.
  • "The result is that the total number of fat cells in the body remains the same, year after year throughout adulthood. Losing or gaining weight affects only the amount of fat stored in the cells, not the number of cells."
  • I will speak from experience. About 10 years ago I lost 40 lbs and kept it off for several years. Gradually the weight crept up, just like it did when I gained it in the first place. For me, I think the issue was my body got used to my exercise routine so it became less effective. When it became less effective, I was less…
  • Yes, more or less -- based on your activity it will estimate how many calories you will burn for the day and adjust your calories available to eat accordingly. Its a YMMV thing, I find it pretty spot on, but others, not so much.
  • I have similar stats and I net around 1700-1800. Netting 800-1000 in maintenance sounds like something may be seriously wrong with your metabolism. It sounds dangerous to me, but I am not a doctor nor a dietician. I generally eat 50-100 cals below Fitbit's estimate for daily burn, I think I am still losing at a slow rate…
  • I would too. Mainly to hold myself accountable to having eaten those calories.
  • I sent requests on both MFP and Fitbit.
  • Logically, I would be more concerned about weekly. I also have a Fitbit and would always look at that stat on the weekly report you get e-mailed. I say logically, because I have always had a difficult time going over my daily calorie allocation, even though I know I should be more concerned about a weekly average.
  • Like everyone says, don't stress about it. Chances are you will not eat enough calories to gain but a fraction of a pound. If the scale goes up, mostly likely it is water retention. Personally, I would probably chose to have a glass of water between drinks so that I don't drink too much. But that is more personal…
  • I HATE HATE HATE weight fluctuations. I want to know when I am actually gaining or losing. Unfortunately, my body keeps ignoring me when I tell this to it. Its normal, I don't like it, but it is normal.
  • I am jealous. I keep looking at them, but we have other plans for this summer.
  • A little late to the conversation, but two thoughts. One I second (or third) the recommendation for a Fitbit. It really is great for maintenance and gives excellent feed back on your activity level (I have been surprised many times on days where I thought I was active, and really wasn't and days I thought I was not active…
  • I am still trying to work this out. I have been maintaining for two months, and suspect I will be tracking calories for some time -- both as I try to figure out my maintenance and as I try to figure out food combinations that end up at maintenance. I also have a Fitbit which gives me an estimate of calories burned each…
  • I transitioned into maintenance -- going from 2 lbs, to 1 1/2 to 1 to 1/2 lb a week over time. Can't speak to the science of it, but psychologically, it made sense to me. Mentally it put me into a place where my "diet" didn't "end" When I got to maintenance it was less of a feeling of "I am finished" and more of a sense of…
  • Its a five pound range (+/- 2.5) BUT I am a daily weigher and know how my weight fluctuates. If it I suddenly find myself outside of that range, I don't panic as long as it doesn't stay there.
  • I also sent you a request -- I have been maintaining since November. It has some surprising challenges. Others should feel free to add me as well.
  • Personally, I am confused. You have a Fitbit and your primary sources of exercise is steps, which is what Fitbit calculates best. Why not go with the assumption that the Fitbit Calorie burn is daily calorie burn, try it for a while and see if it is correct? I think you are overthinking this.
  • About 10 years ago I list 40 lbs and was about 5-10 lbs less than I am now. I maintained that weight for three - four years and then my weight started creeping up. Once it started creeping up things just spiraled out of control and I gradually over the next 6-7 years gained about 75 lbs. Some things are obvious to me 1. My…
  • I get up, walk around, climb stairs, etc. Any excuse to get up and move.
  • Since they are two different things, I would start by asking why you want to purchase something. What is your goal? I LOVE my Fitbit and the fact that it gives me an estimate of how many calories I have burned during the day. It is also a great incentive for me to get out and walk (and leave my office chair) . I wouldn't…
  • I am usually wise to salads, but it was a vinaigrette, not a creamy salad dressing. No cheese, no croutons. I would have guessed 650-700 cals. Still can't figure it out.
  • Still counting and planning to continue. I do not find it much of a burden. I am being more lax with estimates and equivalents. For example, after eating a spinach salad the other day, I found a rough equivalent in the database rather than trying to recreate it myself, or I use recipes that I have previously created, even…
  • That is what my fear was.
  • Sadly, my Fitbit agrees :sad: The two biggest surprises of my Fitibit were how much where I park my car at work (college campus) impacts my calorie burn for the day and how little my weekend cleaning/laundry/errands do.
  • I doubt "killing" is right. I weaned myself down to one tbls -- 20-35 cals.
  • So I had to look at this... After the last cruise, where my son was acting just horribly, I swore I wouldn't take another cruise for a long time.... Now I want to go on another one..... (Yes, he enjoyed the cruise, not sure why he was fighting with us so much)
  • Triangle! GO DUKE! (Unless Duke is playing Florida, have to stick with my alma mater in that case)