

  • omg Im sitting here reading these and its hard to concentrate because my 5 yr old is on school holidays and wont stop talking....! she needs stimulation and i just want to lie down and sleep on the couch. Im Nicole, 30, mother of two (Miss 5 and Mr 4) and live in Brisbane, Australia. Over here we have kilos - and i have…
  • Ive just turned 30 and find it struggle to lose baby weight from 4 years ago lol :) feel free to add me as a friend too - we all need as much support as we can get.... :)
  • Hi Im new too! Im sick of being a fatty fatty fat fat :( I need to get moving, eat better and so on - but why cant I seem to start? please add me as a friend - I need as much support as I can get!
  • Im new :) My goal for this month will be to get moving - form a new habit of 30 minutes exercise a day and to lose 2kgs. Oh and eat no junk food! I'm not going to confess to eating a block of chocolate today - cos even though it was good,... it makes me feel sad :(
  • I have Implanon - i was overweight before - same after ;p I did manage to lose weight through healthy food and exercise (blah blah) and put it on again... the implanon didnt change anything :)