Getting the contsceptive implant today, weight gain?!

Just had a thought that this might add weight?! Anyone got it or know of experiences?!


  • JoshandChris
    JoshandChris Posts: 22 Member
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    You mean the contraceptive implant, right? Like Mirena?? You should really research before doing this - it's not cheap and semi-permanent (can come out at any time, but its painful). Bodies are different and react differently - I'm surprised your doctor okayed this without telling you the side effects! :ohwell: Are you getting the copper implant, or the hormone one? Google it quickly before your appointment to make an informed decision! Good luck!
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    If youre on about implanon (rod under skin) then everyone I know that has had it has NOT gained weight. My daughter lost weight to the point it was going to have to be removed as she was then under the recommended minimum.

    I guess everyone is different, but as you're keeping an eye on calories anyway any gains should easily be rectified
  • tcsteeves
    tcsteeves Posts: 59
    I received the copper birth control (without hormone's called Paraguard). It was a little discomfort getting it put in but wasn't too bad afterwards. I only had it in for a couple of years but I did gain weight, I just don't know if it was from that or not.
  • zenefertiti
    I have Implanon - i was overweight before - same after ;p

    I did manage to lose weight through healthy food and exercise (blah blah) and put it on again... the implanon didnt change anything :)
  • kelscot30
    kelscot30 Posts: 74 Member
    You mean the contraceptive implant, right? Like Mirena?? You should really research before doing this - it's not cheap and semi-permanent (can come out at any time, but its painful). Bodies are different and react differently - I'm surprised your doctor okayed this without telling you the side effects! :ohwell: Are you getting the copper implant, or the hormone one? Google it quickly before your appointment to make an informed decision! Good luck!
    Yes contraceptive, unable to correct spelling in the topic section!!

    Thank you for the advice but I have researched before making this decision!! I'm a 31 year old mum of 2 and wouldn't make a decision such as this without it being an educated one which is the reason why I rejected the Mirena coil. Thankfully we get this free in the UK should choose this method of contraceptive.

    I am getting the impant in my arm, again I have researched this but was looking for opinions from people here and not based on data collated by the medical professionals.

    Thank you xx
  • kelscot30
    kelscot30 Posts: 74 Member
    I have Implanon - i was overweight before - same after ;p

    I did manage to lose weight through healthy food and exercise (blah blah) and put it on again... the implanon didnt change anything :)

    Thank you! xx
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    on implanon. Doctor warned me to watch for possible weight gain but that hasn't happened. No side effects except barely any bleeding (i LOVE that!!!!)

    It's my first implant so don't know about replacing them - I scar easily and heal badly so no doubt my arm will start to look a mess. But the benefits outweight that!
  • kelscot30
    kelscot30 Posts: 74 Member
    on implanon. Doctor warned me to watch for possible weight gain but that hasn't happened. No side effects except barely any bleeding (i LOVE that!!!!)

    It's my first implant so don't know about replacing them - I scar easily and heal badly so no doubt my arm will start to look a mess. But the benefits outweight that!
    So desperate for it to stop the periods lol I have 2 friends who have reacted opposite, one has bled constant and one not at all!
  • AlwaysWanderer
    AlwaysWanderer Posts: 641 Member
    I was on it for 6 months about 18 months ago. So, reactions to my body:
    put 1.5 stone on weight
    constant headache
    moodiness (and really bad one - nearly split up with my now-husband)
    period nearly stopped,
    took it out and got an ugly scar on my arm now - they are not carefull when they take it out!

    So back on the pill, and prefer it hundred times more. My friend, and friend's friend also had it, and they took it out after few months because of similar side effects. So, just a warning! good luck to you :smile:
  • kelscot30
    kelscot30 Posts: 74 Member
    I was on it for 6 months about 18 months ago. So, reactions to my body:
    put 1.5 stone on weight
    constant headache
    moodiness (and really bad one - nearly split up with my now-husband)
    period nearly stopped,
    took it out and got an ugly scar on my arm now - they are not carefull when they take it out!

    So back on the pill, and prefer it hundred times more. My friend, and friend's friend also had it, and they took it out after few months because of similar side effects. So, just a warning! good luck to you :smile:

    Damn, will just be my luck I end up like this!
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    Alot of people believe the myth that birth control CAUSES weight gain. Birth control DOES NOT CAUSE weight gain. Birth control CAN cause increased appetite, which IF you eat more calories due to this you will gain weight, but its not the birth control that made you gain weight, its the increase in calories.

    Fight off the cravings for more food for about 2 weeks and you will adjust.

    I lost 50lbs ON birth control.
  • JenniferH81
    JenniferH81 Posts: 285 Member
    I received the copper birth control (without hormone's called Paraguard). It was a little discomfort getting it put in but wasn't too bad afterwards. I only had it in for a couple of years but I did gain weight, I just don't know if it was from that or not.

    I've had this for almost 8 years now. I might consider a different option in 2 years when it has to come out. but It's served it's purpose with no side effects.
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    So desperate for it to stop the periods lol I have 2 friends who have reacted opposite, one has bled constant and one not at all!

    I can't speak for everyone, but my 2 daughters had opposite reactions, oldests periods stopped immediately, she's now on her 2nd implanon with a teeny little mark on her arm where they removed removed the first. The youngest is the one that lost weight on it and bled constantly for 6 months before they stopped totally. I do believe the youngests problem was the fact that she lost weight and it took her below the recommended minimum weight to have it she stopped bleeding when gained some and hit 7 stone (98lbs)...there is a maximum too, the more you weigh the less effective it is but I think at 15 stone(210lb) the failure rate was put at the same as the mini pill.