alasha07 Member


  • mbarfield092014. Sometimes you need to take that time out for you. It is not selfish, you need to be healthy so you can be there for your family for a long time. It is very important, just remember that.
  • Wow, thank you all so much. I started crying lol, you are all so supportive. When my hubby gets home we are going to go for a walk do to the store. I am having a cookie craving and have been for hours, if I walk to the store, which is about a mile or a little more away, it will atleast help a little. With any luck when I…
  • With how much you are working out and counting everything you are eating and drinking you should be losing atleast a little weekly. I would get a measuring tape for sewing and measure your waist, arms, legs, and so on. You maybe changing it to muscle and you can't always tell if you are losing inches just by looking.
  • I agree with Derek. I love your attitude on this and some weeks you will lose more weight but losing to much to fast without proper doctor guidance is dangerous. So please stick to the MFP recommendations. Don't lose that spirit though. You have a great attitude and spunk. I know you will do great.
  • Ok, I know it has been a while since you posted this but I just found this blog. This type of show does motivate people and it has motivated me. I would not have really started my weight loss without that inspiration. That being said, that is as far as it goes, it is just inspiration. It is up to us to make the decision to…
  • Hey, for steak try and find a good local butcher. You can normally get really good quality meats there for cheaper then the stores.
  • I am so sorry about your knee but I am glad you have the attitude you do. I have had bad knees since I was like 14 and recently I hurt it. What I am doing now is I found low impact cardio on you tube and there are also excercises that can be done sitting in a chair, you can find this on you tube too. I really like the…
    in Help!! Comment by alasha07 May 2014