
Over the last year and a half I have lost over 50 pounds, and developed a daily routine of walking 4/ under 13 minute, miles,everyday. I have to walk very aggressively to get my heart rate where it needs to be. Recently an old meniscus tear has acted up and my right knee is now a painful, stiff, water balloon. I took a cortisone shot a couple of weeks ago and started on some knee strengthening excersies as per my MD, as well. I can't let this injury interfer with my progress and it will if I don't find a new even lower impact way to work out. What is lower impact than walking?? I'm so angry about this. What if I have it repaired? How do I get cardio while I recover? This scares me because I've come so far and worked so hard. Does anyone out there have any advise? I dont' want to swim or ride bike, but I do own an elipitcal trainer. I hate working out indoors, though. Things were working so well until now.


  • jlynnm70
    jlynnm70 Posts: 460 Member
    I was going to say get in the water until you said you don't want to swim. You don't have to swim in the water - but walking in water is great resistance and less stress on the knee.

    I would ask your doctor/physical therapist for ideas. Also I have a friend that does a bike for a while then strength trains mostly upper body for now. She is getting over knee surgery.
  • iwannabinnarnia
    iwannabinnarnia Posts: 179 Member
    I was gonna suggest the elliptical. I have an issue right now with my hip where walking/jogging makes it hurt.. but I can do the elliptical and even stationary bike with no problem. If you have the machines inside are they near a tv? I have a treadmill and I have it in a room with a tv and dvd player. I will pop a favorite movie in and watch as I walk/jog and I find that helps with the boredom of walking/jogging inside.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    It's possible to reach aerobic level (cardio) just with your arms, though it's not a lot of fun. Standing or even sitting and raising and lowering your arms ("raise the roof" or a jumping jack arm movement) can raise your hear rate enough to provide cardio benefits. Rowing might be a good option, if you have the equipment.

    You could also do things like leg lifts or bicycles, which are no impact leg exercises.

    But really these are questions best asked of a physician or physical therapist that is familiar with your specific medical problem and history.
  • hermann341
    hermann341 Posts: 443 Member
    Water jogging. Requires a belt to put you at the proper bouyancy, but then you make running motions in the water (which will slowly propel you across the pool).
  • stroutman81
    stroutman81 Posts: 2,474 Member
    But really these are questions best asked of a physician or physical therapist that is familiar with your specific medical problem and history.

  • alasha07
    alasha07 Posts: 9 Member
    I am so sorry about your knee but I am glad you have the attitude you do. I have had bad knees since I was like 14 and recently I hurt it. What I am doing now is I found low impact cardio on you tube and there are also excercises that can be done sitting in a chair, you can find this on you tube too. I really like the fitness blender you tube channel. They provide a lot of different videos. Just make sure you watch them first before doing anything and bring it up to you Physical trainer to make sure the excercises shown are ones that you can do. I hope this helps. It has been so hard to find things i can do, so I wish you luck. Don't give up it can be done and remember physical therepy also is a good workout. Make sure to ask them if there are PT excercises that you can do at home.