

  • Best reference ever... Diet pop I have heard, and aspartame in general is bad for dieting because your body thinks its real sugar and adjusts your insulin levels accordingly which causes your blood sugar to crash and for you to want to eat more food. You'd be better off taking a glass of water and throwing some lemons and…
  • thanks that's really helpful. I've been adding my exercise, but not consuming the extra calories because I've always felt it was a waste of effort to eat what you burned.
  • that's happened to me too. This one time I even gave the guy an 'out'. He said, "when are you expecting" and I said, "expecting what?" to which he should have answered anything but, "the baby, you're pregnant aren't you?"... sigh
  • I find its best to 'work through' the pain as they say. Yeah, it will hurt quite a bit for the first week or two, but the more often you go, the faster your butt will get used to it. You may also want to consider a different seat. I personally find those giant squishy seats really comfy, but some people prefer those teeny…