Everything's comin' up Milhouse!

jmruef Posts: 824 Member
(hoping someone gets the reference...:bigsmile: )

So as of this morning I am 1/2 pound away from my driver's license weight. I think shaking things up helped! I had a day last week where I *gasp* didn't work out and I KNOW I was way over my allotted calories. Plus, last week was the week I started drinking water instead of Diet Mountain Dew. Yes, it's flavored w/ Crystal Light, but still...

The NSV is that I am in my SIZE 13 PANTS today!! I haven't worn them for 3 years. I'm amazed that didn't get rid of them, but I'm so glad I didn't! They're pink and they're pretty and I feel terrific! :happy: :happy:

I truly, honestly, don't miss drinking pop. There were times this weekend when water wasn't an option (long story) and diet pop really did make me feel bloated. It never really did when I was drinking it all the time, but the difference is pretty remarkable. Who knew???


  • ksmittens
    ksmittens Posts: 65
    I don't get the reference :- )

    But congrats on your progress! Way to Go!
  • AngelaPowPowPOW
    I use the "Everything's Coming up Milhouse" reference quite a bit at work. lol Congrats on the NSV!
  • aissance
    aissance Posts: 5
    Best reference ever... Diet pop I have heard, and aspartame in general is bad for dieting because your body thinks its real sugar and adjusts your insulin levels accordingly which causes your blood sugar to crash and for you to want to eat more food. You'd be better off taking a glass of water and throwing some lemons and frozen fruit in it than using crystal light. Try using aspartame sweetened drinks as an occasional drink instead of your go to beverage.
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    Always Simpsons quotes flying around here... I like "it tastes like burning"
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    Best reference ever... Diet pop I have heard, and aspartame in general is bad for dieting because your body thinks its real sugar and adjusts your insulin levels accordingly which causes your blood sugar to crash and for you to want to eat more food. You'd be better off taking a glass of water and throwing some lemons and frozen fruit in it than using crystal light. Try using aspartame sweetened drinks as an occasional drink instead of your go to beverage.

    When water was availalbe this weekend it was plain old icewater and I lived with it...I just really don't like it plain. So if I'm going to drink it in "therapeutic" amounts, I need something like crystal light to make it go down. So far I really haven't noticed any effect on my appetite.
  • crazymama2two
    crazymama2two Posts: 867
    *it tastes like burning* buahahahahah!!!!

    i personally LOVE when homer goes to the gym and looks at the sign and pronounces it wrong, "what's a gime" and then he walks in "oooohhhh, a giiimmmeee"


    anyways, congrats on your NSV!!!!
  • cln714
    cln714 Posts: 174 Member
    I love reading your posts... you always make me giggle. :)

    My husband is addicted to the diet MD. It always baffles me when he says he's thirsty and grabs an MD. I tell him - WATER, water quenches ones thirst!!!
  • h3h8m3
    h3h8m3 Posts: 455 Member
    I sleep in a drawer. (my favorite)

    Congrats on the awesome pink pants!
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member

    In case you want any amount of Simpsons related pics and gifs Ive uploaded 8 pages of them
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