

  • You look so great!!!!!!!!!!!! You literally just inspired me! Thanks for posting. Ps: love all the new pictures vs old . haha.. cool idea!
  • I have a pretty big butt too, and i was tired of it not being fit and toned. I joined pilates (pretty expensive) but within 2 months, I had the best looking butt i ever had!!! Not to mention the rest of my body toned up!
  • Your mom does not define you hun. What she says does not define you either. You are more than 'good enough'. You're great. Not everyone has the strength to lose the weight and decide to be healthy. Your goal should be something directed towards you like getting healthy and fit and more beautiful rather than to stop your…
  • I can't believe how hurtful people can be. It's so cruel. But to everyone out there who has ever felt crappy when looking at a mirror or going to sleep disgusted that they realized they gained so much weight, It's NOT what other people tell you, it's what you tell yourself. No mom, boyfriend, friend, or human being for…
  • Don't feel bad hun. I literally just started yesterday. The cool thng about MLP is you can eat whatever you want, just watch out for calories. It's strange logging all the food you eat, but it really helps me become more aware of what i eat....which is pretty much chips and sweets all the time. I realized just from doing…