New and Hoping for a change.... again.

Hi, people, I'm new here (signed up a while ago, but then left and forgot about it, and only just started today) I've tried many different diets, but ended up quitting time and again. Usually, I have the most success when I count calories, so that's what I'm going to try doing again.
I already know what I have to do to lose weight, so, I'm here, basically, to get push towards actually doing it. :tongue:

I think it'll work...all I did today was write down what I ate for lunch, and I'm already feeling pretty bad with myself....hahaha. :embarassed:


  • daniafayyad
    Don't feel bad hun. I literally just started yesterday. The cool thng about MLP is you can eat whatever you want, just watch out for calories. It's strange logging all the food you eat, but it really helps me become more aware of what i eat....which is pretty much chips and sweets all the time. I realized just from doing it one day that eating quality food and more of it is better than crappy food and less of it! Besides, you'll be at your goal quicker than you know. It's more of a life change (yes... again! lol) than anything. Once both you & I see the pounds shed, we'll have bigger smiles :)
  • Andreinne
    Definitely strange....turns out snacks actually have calories....who knew....but I suppose it'll definitely help me chose better foods. I can't keep wasting calories on snacks that i could save for actual food....:grumble: