Yes, this is very important. In fact, I'd suggest starting any strength training routine with just your body weight. There are some online that are available. The two that pop into my head first are from NerdFitness: Beginner:…
I too bought the New Rules of Lifting for Women - I started their Stage 1 program on Friday, so I've done three workouts so far. It's completely awesome so far. The first day totally kicked my butt but I still went back for more. Before starting this, I was doing a mix of cardio for warm up and body weight training. I…
I've resized about a half-dozen of my tops using a modified version of this process: Instead of taking the sleeves off, I simply cut away excess fabric up each side and taper my cut off under the armpit so I leave the short sleeve's cuff untouched. Then I just sew up new seams on…
John! Stop it! Don't you remember how much that hurt?!
I, uh....I don't know what you're talking about. ...yeah. I mean, I don't spend my free time rebuilding movie sets as Minecraft maps or anything. That would be crazy. ;)
Minecraft? Never heard of it.
Just an update: I've lost almost all of what was gained last week (only 0.2lbs left) and completed Week 2 Day 1 of C25K today, so I'm calling it a win. Patience is definitely the key. Thanks again, everyone!
Thanks for all the feedback, everyone, and especially for that link you provided, naterciarodri. I'm going to try my best not to get overly frustrated and hang in there with my current activity level for a few weeks and hopefully my weight will start dropping again at that point.
I did my first day yesterday, and am planning on doing Week 1 Day 2 tomorrow.
I just today started the NHS podcasts: Includes music and encouraging, pleasant voice to guide you through the program.
I'm that girl too. Now, I have people commenting on my weight loss almost daily, and I've found I have no idea how to respond to positive feedback. It's kind of freaking me out. Plus, although I know my scale and my clothes are clearly demonstrating that I've lost rather a lot of weight (with still plenty more to go), when…
This sounds excellent. Please add me?
This looks amazing. Do you think I can make this with "Vanilla Shake" protein powder (soya) or does the "shake" bit give it a different texture?
Great work! I'm very much looking forward to achieving this milestone for myself - should be within the next month! WOOHOO!
I'm not saying what they're doing is right. I'm just saying that was my understanding of their viewpoint. They could do it the way the clothing manufacturers do it - charge the same cost for everything and make more profit on the smaller sizes. At least that way, everyone is paying the same amount for the same distance…
Weight is the factor that determines fuel usage, so for airlines, I believe that is the only factor they're considering.
I dunno, I like the idea of loosing weight. Let it be someone else's problem; I'm done with it! ;)
I just perused your diary a bit. Are you logging all your water, because if not, I would suggest drinking more of that. Also, my unprofessional and unqualified opinion is that you could try reducing the carbs you eat and increasing protein. The biggest thing is not to give up. Keep at it and the results will…
Bag End to Rivendell: 397 miles Distance travelled: 10 miles Distance to go: 387 miles
Bag End to Rivendell: 397 miles Distance travelled: 7.5 miles Distance to go: 389.5 miles
Bag End to Rivendell: 397 miles Distance travelled: 6 miles Distance to go: 391 miles
I play Dance Central on my Kinect, and it's both fun and a good workout.
It's Latin.
You are an inspiration. The promises you've made to yourself are the same promises I should make to myself. Thank you for sharing.
You should also try streching your calves after working out, because that pain can also be caused by tight muscles in your calves. Look at the last exercise listed here: I had shin splints the first time I walked on the treadmill - I pushed through it and…
That site is awesome! Very useful for visualising the journey. Thanks for sharing, and I'm glad I'm not walking alone :)
Woo! Nerdfighters!
I'm not just a nerd, I'm a Nerdfighter! We fight *for* nerds, obviously. DFTBA!
Bag End to Rivendell: 397 miles Distance travelled: 4.7 miles Distance to go: 392.3 miles
I've started logging on the first challenge thread - Bag End to Rivendell. It's a shorter distance and therefore less daunting for poor me ;)