cyoung8151 Member


  • I'm a food addict, and I binge. I believe there is an underlying emotional reason for a binge- even if I don't (won't??) realize what that reason might be. I have lost and regained 17 pounds twice in the past year- how messed up is that? Why can't I keep it off after having worked so hard to lose it? Sometimes it feels…
  • I have the same problem, except my boyfriend does not need to diet, and really doesn't get the emotional eating aspect of my problem. He either ignores my binge eating or looks annoyed like you said when I need to weigh or measure my food. Strange that you said that you lost 18 pounds. That is exactly what I lost up to…
  • I realize you posted this a while ago, but I've just come back to the program, and was wondering how your wedding prep was coming, so I found this post. I would think that 1400 calories including exercize points should be right. I don't think going under 1200 a day for any length of time is healthy, and you will probably…
  • I reccommend checking your shoes. The integreity of a running shoe breaks down even when they still "look" fine. The best money and time you will ever spend is going to a real running store- not a big box- and let them film you running on a treadmill. The experts can then fit you in a shoe properly. After that you need to…
  • How about your water intake? If you aren't drinking enough you might be retaining water.
  • You might check to see if your shoes have too many miles on them, or aren't properly fitted. I used to get SS in college, and would wrap an ace bandage up my leg. Seemed to help.
  • Sure, I need a challenge. I'm new to this site, but certainly NOT new to dieting! Just so I'm clear- are you saying 500 minutes of aerobic exercise? That would be 25 minutes per day minimum?