What do you do when you don't get support?

What do you do when you are not getting the support at home? I try hard to keep myself on track, but it is so much harder when my husband doesn't seem to support me. The funny thing is, he is dieting too. I feel that I give him my full support, encourage him, make dinners that are good for both of us and then when we go out he will mention a place to eat and I will mention that I have less calories to eat he gets upset and just turns on me. I feel good about myself right now, losing a total of 18lbs. since I started in November. I am continuing on, but need help. And there any suggestions out there on what I can do? Please help.


  • madrose0715
    madrose0715 Posts: 463 Member
    edited January 2015
    hrmmm...as a single mom with just a younger child at home, I have no real 'cheerleader'. I am entirely self-motivated. How I got to be that way was about 15-20 years of yo-yo diet approaches. I use this site daily for logging, reading and inspiration. I accept that I have crap days and weeks but my progress is ultimately my responsibility. I had to also accept that as I had over 100 pounds to lose that being in a hurry would only work against me. It took alot of pressure off me. So, it has taken me 3 years to lose 95 pounds - slow and steady and acceptance that it is daily choice that I must make for myself.
  • cyoung8151
    cyoung8151 Posts: 19 Member
    I have the same problem, except my boyfriend does not need to diet, and really doesn't get the emotional eating aspect of my problem. He either ignores my binge eating or looks annoyed like you said when I need to weigh or measure my food. Strange that you said that you lost 18 pounds. That is exactly what I lost up to Thanksgiving and now I have gained 9 back. I'm so angry at myself, but I'm not giving up either.
  • Th3Ph03n1x
    Th3Ph03n1x Posts: 275 Member
    Mine is dieting with me to an extent. He's not being as meticulous about it but he's being pretty supportive. Sometimes men aren't if it's something they don't really care about. they aren't as natural at the nurturing thing.

    Think of it this way you're the pillow he's the rock. Stick to your guns though if he's a keeper he'll get over making allowances for your weight loss plan.