

  • I do 45 min - 1 hour of Cardio 4-6 days a week. I have been working on the Elliptical lately but I switch machines every 30 - 45 days. (The switching thing was a recommendation from a trainer friend.) I TRY to lift weights about three times a week, but time constraints spoil that plan some weeks. I do SPIN class every…
  • Hey Meghan!! Welcome!! I have complete confidence .... You can make your goal! I started last year on January 22nd and my 25 pound goal was Easter. I am a 45 year old teacher who has never ever been on the medium side of life .... if I can do it .... I KNOW you can! And what a wonderful celebration of R & R .... best…
  • Welcome!! I completely can relate!! One school teacher to another ..... You can do this!! I have confidence in you!!
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