

  • I'm from North East too - living in Milton Keynes!
  • Or buy an organic box delivered once a week - Seriously more filling as organic has more fibre and less water - you are eating real fruit that way rather than mass produced fruit. It may be a bit more expensive but you may only eat one apple rather than two supermarket ones!
  • Errrr..... Your ideal weight is only 2lbs lighter than what you are. You are only 18 so your body is still changing.... I think you should try and stop obsessing, seriously or you will be one more statistic... Sorry that it may sound harsh but seriously what are you trying to achieve?
  • Don't your gyms do a free try out, ask a friend or relative to go with you and see if they make you feel comfortable or not. Never ever feel embarrassed to go to the gym. When I see a bigger person in the gym I think how great it is to see them working out... And think - crikey they are running fast!!!!! After all - anyone…
  • Research 5:2 diet - or intermittent fasting?
  • Err... why are you asking if you are losing weight? Try being a shift worker - the clock does not matter.
  • I hope the original gent who apologised, isn't offended by the complete lunatic replies he has received - I would like to offer an apology for calling everyone lunatics.. BUT I AIN'T gonna! Hhahaha!!!!
  • ARGH!!!! I am offended by the Manilow picture.... Too croon for me!
  • If he doesn't want to do it - then I would think anything you do will be seen as nagging.... Like you say he has to want to lose weight. You should get on with your own MFP, and with hope he will see you slimming down and may change his ways - he may ask your advice - but you have to wait until he is ready. OR Tell him…
  • I think EVERYONE struggles to get the protein/carb numbers looking right - I mean - have an egg at breakfast, a slice of salmon at lunch and a small chicken breast at dinner and you have overdone Protein. Personally I look at it as a guide to aim for... but do not beat myself up over the numbers. I try to get the calories…
  • YOUTUBE is great to help with anything... especially cooking - I followed a woman doing fish pie once! Easy Peasey! SLow cookers (crockpots) are wonderful, my other half loves doing them - also he has one staple recipe of mine down to a T which is one of my have all time dinners... It's just Spaghetti with a tomato based…
  • Sometimes a plateau is a good place... Lets you have a good look around - re-evaluate and find inner peace... Wot a load of rubbish! Hahahha!!! Welcome back to the motivated world... You had a nice rest now lets keep going. YOU KNOW YOU CAN! Smiley Face!
  • Do not rely only on scales - try the tape measure - BMI too. And do your trousers feel different? Scalesmay also be broken!!!
  • Here's a quarter - go and get a rat gnaw that thing off your face!
  • Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. xxx
  • I am 5ft 7 I am aiming for 65kg which I have converted to 143lbs. Now I am thinking 143 is a silly number... maybe I should push to 139.9...... haha! Seriously when I reach my 143... I will decide if it is good for me based on my body and general well being. Don't aim for a number necessarily, now you are looking great on…
  • If you are becoming too obsessed with the scales - try binning them and use a friends or relatives, so you can't just keep on getting on and off!!! Stick to once a week... OR use a local gym/doctors scales... a tape measure and the feeling of your clothes!
  • Try to eat food that keeps you fuller longer. Porridge is ideal for breakfast but if you hate it and prefer a fry up - try an egg on toast... mushrooms, tomatoes - just avoid the frying... poach grill etc.
  • I never did mind about the little things....
  • Keep up the good work! I am sure if you decrease weight slow and steady, take up strength training... Pilates stretches etc... And listen to your friend you will be ok. I am interested too in what others who have lost a lot of weight have to say on this. I think they manage ok! Have you seen the SUCCESS STORIES thread...…
  • Stop making me laugh! AND STOP SHOUTING Grrrrr!!!
  • He sounds like a thoughtless idiot to me. My EX... EX... used to be horrible - started with words and went on to fists. He became my EX immediately in my head - but physically I filed for divorce within 6 months of the abuse - We were separated longer than we were married before he eventually agreed to divorce! You know...…
  • Surely on the tabs above (assuming you are using a computer) there is MY HOME. Then on the left there is Weigh In. I am sure it was there yesterday when I was looking around? Maybe not. Try it tomorrow! Or whenever!
  • Just like life.... Everyone is different, and so is the calorie intake!
  • I was in the Army, then I left.... then I stopped exercising, got a bit big and unhealthy - started exercising again for something to do as I was single and needed something social to do instead of getting drunk in the pub. My weight stayed the same as I ate more to compensate... so now I am dieting and exercising...…
  • PS Diet coke... is not a great thing to drink as artificial sweeteners are evil! Try water and squash.. cordial... DO NOT go under that much on your calories either.... as starving yourself will make you even more depressed. Come on! Cheer up and eat healthy xx
  • You're emotional. It comes from several places... age and confidence. Don't take it to heart... I reckon it is his stupid way of trying to encourage you.... Although a very thoughtless way as he should think before he opens his gob! Just keep doing it right, follow the advice from this website, and feel great!! You look…
  • God did not invent bad foods did he? Don't give up - just retrain yourself to accept discipline is a way of life when there is so much rubbish on the shelves!