

  • Where do you find shiritaki noodles? I can't find them in any of my local grocery stores and even at the military commissary all I found were shiritaki noodles in water, called a paste rather than noodles. I looked on line and because I don't want to buy a whole case, the cost them for shipping is more than the cost of the…
  • Love this group. I feel so much more at home here where everyone isn't discussing TDEE and how many calories over 1200 a person should have if they exercise! I joined on Jan. 4th and have lost 10 lb. already. I had to adjust the protein % to 60 because of having had a gastric bypass seven years ago. Otherwise, I am glad to…
  • Help...I think I have figured out my TDEE at 1755 but I have no idea what that means or how much I should be eating. I am on the 1200 plan but I work out so much that I am always well under what the recommended calorie intake should be. My plan allows for a bit more protein and less carbs because I had gastric bypass seven…
  • I joined to become healthy. I joined after committing to remove sugar, artificial sweeteners, processed foods and all meats but chicken, turkey and fish from my diet to avoid more issues with my blood pressure and the onset of diabetes (my mom has type 2 and it runs in our family). I joined to gain control of my life for…
  • I think the next time I to my doctor I am going to get a referral to the dietician and have them look at the percentages I am getting. They may need to be adjusted a bit because I am not ever hungry and always have carbs and fats but run out of protein almost everyday.
  • It is so good to know there are other people out there struggling with life after bypass re-gain. I started at 290 before my surgery in Dec. 2004 and my lowest was 180 several years ago. I have had several health issues and had micro fracture surgery on my knee last summer and gained back up to 233. I'm just starting my…
  • Hang in there! I am a 55 year old prior gastric bypass "survivor" who has finally figured out that its' about diet AND exercise AND taking control of my health. Better late than never. I had micro fracture surgery last summer on one of my knees and spent two months in a wheelchair just adding on more pounds until I had…
  • Perfect timing. I am struggling with perhaps a totally different problem than some others here. I had gastric bi-pass in 2004 and went from almost 300 lb. down to 180 lbs. I managed to keep most of it off until last year when I fell and tore the ligaments in my knee. After micro fracture surgery I spent two months in a…
  • I quit in 1991 as a birthday gift to my husband. Shock of all shocks six months later I found myself pregnant with our second child after 13 years of trying. I used Nicorette gum for a week or so and then gradually stopped that too because I didn't like the taste of it. I say anything that helps you transition from being a…
  • I noticed almost immediately. In fact by about the fourth day of eliminating all sugar and artificial sweeteners, diet sodas and processed foods, I have been telling everyone around me how I feel like I'm on an anti depressant or something. My entire family has noticed the change as well. I started using a treadmill or…
  • Hi! I am coming up tomorrow on my first week and really loving this program!!! I guess I will know tomorrow after I weigh in if I still love it!!! Haven't had sugar, diet sodas or used any diet sweeteners in six days and still standing. I'm doing the 1200 cal. meal plan for at least the first few weeks. How are you doing…