thuridurga Member


  • Hi! I'm in Cambridge UK and on day 13 of Insanity. I'm really enjoying it and hope my results will be satisfying. My goal is very simple. To complete the 63 days and so my best when it comes to the nutrition part. Weight loss if any will be a bonus. Good luck!
  • Hello everyone! I think this is my first ever post here on MFP :-) I'm on day 13 doing Insanity and I am still enjoying it. I love that feeling of sweat dripping off me and feeling like I've pushed my limits a bit. It also just fits perfectly into my routine, I've got three kids and a husband who is away 7am-8pm but I've…
  • Hello! I'm doing my last session for week 1 in month 1 today and I am SO proud I haven't given up. I couldn't fit my exercise in on Friday so I took a rest day and then made up for it yesterday and today. It means I will have to do 8 sessions in a row before my next break but I'm just so happy I didn't quit and I am almost…