New Insanity Thread



  • pauldoxsee
    pauldoxsee Posts: 93 Member
    Done playing, I learned enough!
  • RevGillTC
    RevGillTC Posts: 61 Member
    Well done Paul! Great to see you have survived Month 1.
    I'm on my first rest day, and have lost 2lb this week which I am very chuffed at given that some have not lost weight in the first month. However I am trying not to rely on the scales (I used to weigh myself everytime I was undressed - which given I worked out mid day could be 3x a day!) and go by measurements and how my clothes feel. I'm only at the end of week 1 so am giving it another week before I measure again. And a month before I take another set of photos...
    Keep it up y'all!
  • RevGillTC
    RevGillTC Posts: 61 Member
    BTW, does anyone else work out on their rest day? I feel like I should be doing something in the way of stretches (though thanks to the proper shoes and the recovery drinks I'm not achy, just know that my muscles have been worked whenever I try anything remotely strenuous).
    Thanks in advance.
  • pauldoxsee
    pauldoxsee Posts: 93 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement RevGil! I almost always use rest days as my Yoga day. Occasionally, I do a full do nothing day, but that is really rare. The change of pace of a yoga workout and stretching really seems to do me good on many levels. I also do my dog walk/10,000 steps thing everyday weather permitting. That is really just our routine and I don't really count that as exercise. However it is also good for me and those two sets of brown eyes look at me quite expectantly everyday in anticipation!
  • pauldoxsee
    pauldoxsee Posts: 93 Member
    Started insanity recovery week. 7 straight core cardio and balance workouts this week. The sustained identical movements are killers!

  • 108victorian
    108victorian Posts: 22 Member
    @RevGillTC On rest days I just do light yoga, which I pretty much do everyday regardless of the torture Shaun T has in store for me :p

    So, for those of you who just finished week one of month 2...are you as sore and spent as I am? I could barely do half of Max Recovery's maneuvers and it still totally spent what strength I had left in my legs. Then those last two workouts this week, OMG, I was so thoroughly humbled.
  • 108victorian
    108victorian Posts: 22 Member
    @pauldoxsee Great Job! Recovery week is nice. Enjoy.
  • thuridurga
    thuridurga Posts: 3 Member
    I'm doing my last session for week 1 in month 1 today and I am SO proud I haven't given up. I couldn't fit my exercise in on Friday so I took a rest day and then made up for it yesterday and today. It means I will have to do 8 sessions in a row before my next break but I'm just so happy I didn't quit and I am almost 1kg down! Wish me luck and keep working hard you all!
  • Hi all am new to this site, I have a question, I will be starting my 3rd week of Insanity tomorrow and have given it my all over the first 2 weeks, I am drenched in sweat after every workout, I drink plenty of water during the day/exercise, I drink a Sci-mx ultra whey protein drink in the morning and after Insanity workout, I have stopped snacking and eat more fruit and veg, but I have not lost ANY weight, I am still exactly the same as when I started the program,(I weighed myself 2 weeks ago), my stomach is still the same, my waist is still the same, my chest is still the same, at the moment I feel a little deflated, lots of effort for no gain/loss, I am not going to stop the program, but any reassurance as to what gains and/or losses I WILL get in the coming weeks will be greatly appreciated, this is my first ever exercise program I have done, I weigh 11st 4lb and am 5ft 7" in height, thanks for any advice....
  • kwiatrtdy
    kwiatrtdy Posts: 383 Member
    I did Insanity last year but I only made it through the first month. As soon as month 2 started with the hour long workouts I stopped. I was underestimating the amount of energy I was using at work as it was a very active job. As a result I wasn't eating nearly enough calories and just couldn't keep up with the longer workouts. (I was doing 10 hour shifts followed by Insanity on only 1200 calories!)

    Now I've got a new job and have found a good balance with my eating and exercise so I'm going to give it another go. I have been doing some of the workouts as part of my usual routine but I haven't been following the actual plan. I now eat between 1500 and 1600 calories a day, and will adjust it if necessary once I start the workouts. Today is day 1 with the fit test :)
  • pauldoxsee
    pauldoxsee Posts: 93 Member
    Insanity recovery week 2/7. Easier today!

  • pauldoxsee
    pauldoxsee Posts: 93 Member
    @pauldoxsee Great Job! Recovery week is nice. Enjoy.

    Thanks! I struggled a bit learning the moves, but it was definitely easier day 2. The two graphs definitely show progress!
  • pauldoxsee
    pauldoxsee Posts: 93 Member
    Hi all am new to this site, I have a question, I will be starting my 3rd week of Insanity tomorrow and have given it my all over the first 2 weeks, I am drenched in sweat after every workout, I drink plenty of water during the day/exercise, I drink a Sci-mx ultra whey protein drink in the morning and after Insanity workout, I have stopped snacking and eat more fruit and veg, but I have not lost ANY weight, I am still exactly the same as when I started the program,(I weighed myself 2 weeks ago), my stomach is still the same, my waist is still the same, my chest is still the same, at the moment I feel a little deflated, lots of effort for no gain/loss, I am not going to stop the program, but any reassurance as to what gains and/or losses I WILL get in the coming weeks will be greatly appreciated, this is my first ever exercise program I have done, I weigh 11st 4lb and am 5ft 7" in height, thanks for any advice....

    You can't control when and how your body chooses to react to a new program. I look at a bunch of indicators. How do your clothes fit, how do you feel, how are you sleeping, what is your body fat percentage,what is happening with body measurements, what does your spouse think and finally what does the scale say. If you focus on only one or two areas you are selling yourself short. These are life changing programs and you have to change how your mind thinks too! Good luck!
  • RevGillTC
    RevGillTC Posts: 61 Member
    I did Insanity last year but I only made it through the first month. As soon as month 2 started with the hour long workouts I stopped. I was underestimating the amount of energy I was using at work as it was a very active job. As a result I wasn't eating nearly enough calories and just couldn't keep up with the longer workouts. (I was doing 10 hour shifts followed by Insanity on only 1200 calories!)

    Now I've got a new job and have found a good balance with my eating and exercise so I'm going to give it another go. I have been doing some of the workouts as part of my usual routine but I haven't been following the actual plan. I now eat between 1500 and 1600 calories a day, and will adjust it if necessary once I start the workouts. Today is day 1 with the fit test :)

    Well done on restarting it! I'm on 1700 calories and although I've only done week one, I seem to have lost 2lb. I'm not expecting that every time, and was really apprehensive eating that many (although the Beach body Calcs had me down for 1900!), but so far it seems to be working - I'll keep you all informed don't worry ;-)

    Day 1 of week 2 done today and really pleased that I was able to do almost the whole warm up with out stopping. And I seem to be getting the average heart rate up further as I am not stopping so frequently - so chuffed with that!

    Thanks for the replies about exercising on your rest days. I ended up going for a mammoth dog walk as I had over indulged food wise (whoops! - 1700 daily allowance + what I'd earned exercising, and still -14 calories!) but it was worth it, and I am back on track today.

    Keep it up!
  • @pauldoxsee Thanks for the reply I shall start looking at things from all angles lol
  • wjelly
    wjelly Posts: 64 Member
    Hi all nice to see so many joining the insanity club :laugh:

    @nicoletteamber saw your progress pics fantastic job!

    @108victorian agree with you about the max recovery day absolutely hated every minute of it and really struggled throughout the whole session. I think I did some damage to my left shoulder/upper chest during one of the previous workouts and that made it really painful especially during the low/high plank :sad:

    @taekwon123 you will be gaining muscle and losing fat, seems most people start seeing weight loss and physical changes during recovery week and month 2. Just don't give up!

    Day 40 for me done! Keep pushing play ya'll :wink:
  • pauldoxsee
    pauldoxsee Posts: 93 Member
    Completed insanity recovery 3/7

  • Dying2Live84
    Dying2Live84 Posts: 154 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I have Insanity but I'm not starting it yet as I am going to start off slow with Hip Hop Abs first.

    I cannot wait to kick this off tonight and I reeeeally hope I can stick to it!

  • pauldoxsee
    pauldoxsee Posts: 93 Member
    Minx, the key to sticking to a program is simply following exercise directions to the best of your ability, check off the workouts on the workout calendar, commit to a peer group and post your workout results daily and follow diet guides as well as workout guides as diet is as important as exercise to getting results. Do the photos and body measurements too as your progress may come slowly or in spurts and these baseline things help you see the changes the scale might not be showing you. Good luck!
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    Completed insanity recovery 3/7


    what program is this?