

  • I've had the Flex and now the Force for several months, never had a rash. But I do not wear it skin tight either. I've seen people wearing it tight like a watchband and never take it off. I take it off to shower, and sometimes to sleep (since I don't use the sleep tracker part).
  • I agree with the above poster, about wanting to tell them there is hope. I feel for them, because when I weighed 40 pounds more than now, I know it was because I didn't value myself, I didn't see the point of taking care of myself, and I was stuck in that mindset. And, yes, depressed. To answer the other question from the…
  • Congratulations, that's a great milestone! And to let you know, I got to ONEderland and I have not been back to 200-ville in 3 years. Yes, I gained back some weight but when I got close to 200, I knew it was time to get serious, I am NOT going back there, and neither are you!
  • One thing I've been working on (and it's been working) is to not expect perfection of myself. Because sooner or later, I will fail and that used to be the signal for me to comfort myself (with food), beat myself up (with food), or be angry at myself (and stuff the rage down with food). So when there's a party, I tell…
  • I got thighs that hate shorts (chafing always), so I run in Moving Comfort short tights (5-6 inch inseam). Wide, flat waistband, no riding up on the thighs, and some models even have a handy zipped key compartment on the back of the waistband. And these things last forever!