meangrl29 Member


  • I eat a very small dinner so I can have a snack later. usually really good cheese. 1 or 2 ounces.
  • Well everyone on here convinced me (not that it took much) to stay away from the Michelob Ultra. one of 2 things will happen when I drink beer I don't like: I won't drink much because I don't like the taste or...... I will drink alot because everything tastes better by the fourth drink. Since beer was my big downfall prior…
  • I was also thinking about doing a low cal taco dish on corn tortilla. not gonna let anybody in on it. I wass thinking of a fish taco. If other people want to add a cream sauce on top & fatten it up they can. It's not that I don't like people to know I'm dieting I just don't like that they try to encourage cheating. I know…
  • don't worry about it. I just ate a half of a chocolate brownie with icing. hadnt had any sweets since jan 1. you're entitled to a treat every once in a while. my advice: don't make anymore banana bread.
  • thanks for the advice. I guess i should've mentioned I had tthe sleeve exactly 2 yrs ago. lost an initial 75 lbs in 6 months without doing much other than eating very small amounts. hadn't resolved my emotional food issues (I am a candy addict) so I gained back 25 over the last 1 1/2 years. I am back on track & I really am…
  • 1/11/13: 204.5 1/23/13: 196 goal: 189 not sure i'm gonna make this goal. started off really strong & now 1lb lost last week. 1lb the week before. I could def use more exercise though. running a 5k Feb 23 & I have only been on the treadmill 3 times in the last 3 weeks.
  • I had no idea I had bipolar disorder until 1 year after my sleeve surgery. About 6 months post op I started having drastic mood swings. the worst part for me were the manic episodes. I wouldn't sleep for days. I could no longer use food to cope. I ended up having to take time off of work after an adverse reaction to an…
  • i don't remember being told anything about them. I had a very bad ibuprofen habit for chronic headaches. recently starting taking aleve every once in a while. i will have to switch. on the same note; i was told no extended release meds. my psych told me it wasnt a problem. took one for a year then family doc said he must…
  • same issue for me. cheat days turn into cheat weeks. then cheat months. next thing you know I'm losing & gaining the same 5 lbs for several months.
  • weight watchers one point chili. I use lean ground beef instead of turkey. still under 100 calories per cup. I put it in the recipe builder so i can have the fat, cals, & carbs calculated.
  • I had the same thinghappen this week. don't give up. I usually lose a few lbs one week & then nothing the next two. I am not giving up this time. I have gotten past the cravings & I don't want to start all over. Good Luck. you should have your diary public. you may get some helpful advice. someone may see something your…
  • I was super excited last week because I had a big loss. so I changed my goal. this week: 1lb loss. not discouraged though. maybe I will have a bigger loss next week.
  • although I don't do weight watchers, I make weight watchers one point chili. it has less than 100 calories per cup. you can find the recipe. just google it. I use lean ground beef instead of turkey. it has 98 calories that way. I also precook chicken breasts & keep them in the frig at home. you can do alot with chicken. if…
  • I LOVE your ticker! I was just thinking I wanted to personalize mine and wondering if I should do a Star Wars ticker. NICE!
  • I am a girl & sometimes I can be mean.
  • ended up building my own recipe. did a tortilla soup (no tortillas). only 60 cals a cup so i can top with a tiny bit of sour cream.
  • I almost forgot my biggest yuck: fresh fruit. it makes dieting more difficult. it's not sweet enough. watermelon & cuties are okay but that's about it. I think my candy addiction has ruined fruit for me. no fresh fruit tastes as good as skittles.
  • I can't stand cheesecake. they all taste like vomit to me. I only like pizza if it is loaded with onions and olives. I hate pies of any sort & I could go the rest of my life without eating chips (corn or potato) & it wouldn't bother me at all. after that list you would think I don't eat junk food but..... my true loves:…
  • I have tried every brand/ flavor combo i can get my hands on & I cannot stand it. I would rather not eat than eat greek yogurt. I just had to give up on it. but, honestly, i'm not a big yogurt fan anyway. I did notice that if it was extremely cold, almost frozen, it was much better.
  • It looks like you only have 30 lbs to your goal. it seems whatever you are doing is working already. lifestyle change is the best advice. I had weight loss surgery & it is not a quick fix. you still have to count calories & eating is much more difficult than before. Also, not everyone loses or keeps off the weight after…
  • thanks for the post. I just started looking into doing a cleanse and this helped me decide it is not for me. I already eat very little b/c i had weight loss surgery. i wanted to do a cleanse as a way to wean myself off of caffeine. never mind now. How are you supposed to build muscle without protein? am I missing something…
  • My nutritionist had a good idea that really helped me. she asked what my absolute favorite "treat" was. I told her I ate so many M&M's over the course of a day that I thought I might turn into one (I was already shaped like one). She insisted I cut them out before surgery. that way I wouldn't crave them after. it worked.
  • I wouldn't listen to anyone outside of the WLS community concerning my surgery or my health after surgery. They don't have any idea. The friends & coworkers with opinions on WLS haven't researched anything. they don't have a clue what's involved. I even had to explain to my family physician that the sleeve is not a device…
  • It also depends on how much you weigh. I'm 5'7" and weighed 253 at the time of my surgery. I barely qualified for it to be covered by my insurance. first moth after, my weight loss was so small compared to friends that had the surgery. But I was comparing with people who were shorter and heavier than I was. the percentage…
  • going to have to change my goal. down to 198 now so hoping for 189 by Valentine's Day. that might be tough but it's a challenge right.
  • This sounds fun. weight as of Mon 204.5. would like to be 194.5 by Valentine's Day. workout goal: treadmill 30 minutes a day. also getting ready for a 5k February 23 so this will help motivate me.
  • I had my sleeve surgery 2 years ago. I needed to lose 100lbs. lost 75 in 1st 6 months. then it went downhill. I never even realized the emotional relationship I had with food. I just thought I liked to eat. I was so depressed about not being able to overeat that I began eating candy and high fatty foods almost constantly.…
  • I am 2 years out from sleeve surgery. I have regained 35lbs over the last year. When I eat the way I should I can still barely eat 4 oz of chicken or fish. the lbs still drop quickly when I am on track. My dr disagreed with the theory that your stomach will "stretch". I gained weight because I ate things I shouldn't be…
  • I added you. I had my sleeve surgery 2 years ago. started at 250. goal weight was 150. got down to 175 in the first 8 months. then I started gaining. I gained back 35lbs. I developed worse eating habits than I had prior to surgery. started eating candy constantly. My theory was "it's just a half bag of M&M's. how bad can…