

  • Well I can't give anything überly helpful bc I don't run yet (but that is my goal!)...I'm just wondering if you're eating enough to support the energy output? It almost sounds like your muscles are exhausted. Really hoping you find some answers. :)
  • Hi girls, Oh how I relate to that thorn. I just posted a topic, "success" discussing the same thing. Very recently I realized that my emotional overeating was a way for me to punish myslef. I won't repeat what I wrote in the post, but that came as a shock to me. I could hardly beleive it. I praise God for showing this to…
  • You bet. I'm about 5'6 and 214. I started at about 220. I started in January but was strictly calorie counting, and had sooo many ups and downs. I tend to emotional eat/binge, and would slip back into that after a couple days of eating well. Just couldn't make it work for myself. But I recently started eating clean/paleo…
  • oh my that looks good....
  • Thanks guys. The idea of NOT getting enough cals is definitely foreign to me! I am usually so hungry when I count calories. I must admit, the past two days I haven't felt it. I do get hungry, but then I eat. And i haven't walked around feeling like I'm hungry but not "allowed" to eat. I'm definitely new at this...and still…
  • That's so awesome! And very inspiring to a newbie :-) I started paleo 2 days ago and am still not completely confident in what I'm doing, but I feel that Im on the right track. I need to get a good, thorough, reliable book I think, so that i have more confidence in what I'm doing. So glad for your success!
  • I started my morning with a two mile walk and feel great! I'm hoping to hang on to this feeling so I can remember it tomorrow morning and do it again. Feels so much better than sleepping in ever could! I have a Q for you guys; do you just reply to your own posts and tack on the next day's miles? Or reply to the thread…
  • Goldie, I had to laugh when I read your post. I too have craved salt like you, and embarassingly admit to drinking pickle juice. I've always had those cravings, but years ago when I took water pills (to lose weight, not the healthy kind :( it seemed to get worse. My holistic doctor believes I'm prediabetic, and so I am…
  • I'm in too! I know I'm starting later than you all are but I'm glad to be part of this challenge! My ultimate goal is to run but I'm thinking it will be a while before I can do that. Right now I'm trying to push myself without being so demanding that I give up. Movement everyday is my first goal, hoping and planning to go…