cariie Member


  • my gym always has foodnetwork on when i am doing cardio and it literally makes it almost like cruel and unusual punishment sometimes.
  • Congrats! I get bloodwork again for the first time next month after starting the process of losing weight, your post was a good reminder to me that its not just about lbs for us, its about changing things that really impact health! Great job on your liver/ast/asl readings!
  • nothing is perfect. If you are expecting it to give you 110% accurate results, you will be dissapointed. What fitbit gives me is awareness. Information. Motivation. When i havent walked enough, it tells me. Logging my sleep, my water, my food etc helps me to really start to udnerstand my intake and outtake and make better…
  • it depends on a lot of things but going under 50 isnt really a good idea in my opinion. if you tweak make sure you tweak your protein up and your carbs down. Sources of Good protein that dont have fat and relatively few calories. PB2--this stuff is amazing. I buy mine on amazon. Its 45…