

  • I lost a little bit of weight when at Disney World as well. While I'm fairly active at work, I assume it was due to the constant walking around and swimming and whatnot. *shrug* It is what it is. It's also possible that you didn't lose a lb of fat, but rather that your activity over the past week made you lose a lb(or part…
  • I've been using it to lose for the past few months, and will continue at it for a while yet. In a little while though I'll start using it to (slowly) gain back. Milk, meats, peanut butter all figure on my list of foods to nom on a bit extra. It'll be kinda weird eating an extra ~600-700 calories / day than I've been at…
  • "One of its many consequences was to pull the rug out from under social scientists like Kroeber and Lowie who had invoked the 'sound scientific method' of placing the living and nonliving in parallel universes." :) Was the nearest book, but I hadn't actually started to read it yet! All the ones I have on the go right now…
  • Figured out approximately how much fat I had in my body, figured out how much weight I'd need to lose to get my bodyfat% down to a lean(but healthy) level. That became my goal weight (for now). Ultimately I plan on gaining much of this weight back, but while maintaining a lean(ish) bodyfat %. Initial cut, then slow &…
  • Wait, am I understanding this correctly? There are people on MFP who use a picture of someone ELSE as their profile pic? Shocking.
  • eh, feeding off fat is kind of the whole point of restricting your calorie intake a bit :P We usually *want* our body to be harvesting energy from fat. Cutting your calories too far and too quick is bad because then your body starts cannibalising your muscles as well as your fat to get energy. Losing muscle tissue isn't a…
  • How close I adhere to my goal varies from day to day(sometimes very nearly on it, sometimes a bit over, sometimes a bit under, ...sometimes more than a bit over...) In a very general way it's closeish, if I roughly average what it's estimating over several day's worth of estimates. But any particular day? Nah. If I was a…
  • If you don't have any free weights, perhaps you have something of known volume? eg: a jug that's 2 litres? Fill that to the 2L mark with water, the water should add ~4.4 lbs above whatever the jug weighs.
  • If you have any good sized free weights around the house you could always use those to test out your two scales. You can be fairly certain that they're accurate, so your scales should display something pretty darned close to their rated weight. If one of the scales reads something different then you know where the problem…
    in New Scale Comment by Kassul April 2011
  • mmm, Richard Feynman, Neil DeGrasse Tyson and Carl Sagan.
  • My assumption is that either you're weighing at different times of the day or that you were still carrying some extra weight from the previous night's meal It's generally considered ideal to do your weighing in the morning after going to the bathroom and before eating/drinking anything, simply because this will probably be…
  • Typically legislation on requiring nutritional information for restaurants includes a bit about the size of the place. That way, mom & pop's don't need to worry about it, but chain restaurants with loads of locations? They can and should. I'm not sure that the crackerbarrel website actually has any 'reasoning' for not…
  • Hardboiled eggs are one of my favourite snacks. Pop back a couple of those and they go a long way toward satisfying me, yet they don't drive my calorie counts way up. They do take a few minutes to 'kick in' but *shrug* something to drink and maybe some baby carrots in the meantime to munch on.
  • Some of us just prefer the taste of diet pepsi/coke over regular ones >_>
  • I find once a week is fine for me to keep track of overall trends without getting hung up on tiny variations. If I weighed myself every day I'd get neurotic about tiny shifts up or down and just mess myself up.