New Scale

Ok so I bought a new scale yesterday..I was previously using one of those dial ones and now I have a digital one. I have a slight dilemma though, the digital one is telling me I weigh 4 pounds less then the dial one. Which one is more accurate? Should I go off the reading on the digital one? And if I do should I just change my last weigh in to that weight or just leave it how it is even though its not accurate?


  • mgingy
    mgingy Posts: 1
    go with the digital. I'm sure it's more accurate.Plus that is the one you will be using from now on.
  • lvnspoonful
    lvnspoonful Posts: 391 Member
    go with the digital. I'm sure it's more accurate.Plus that is the one you will be using from now on.

    I agree, digital is more reliable! Congrats!
  • woja9640
    woja9640 Posts: 450 Member
    I agree with mgingy. Also, you need to make sure and weigh yourself at or near the same time every time. I weigh myself in the AM after I wake up but before I eat.

    Why in the AM after waking up before I eat?

    1. Compare gravity to a blanket. When you lay a blanket flat on the floor it is more spread out. However if you place it over the chair the blanket is still the same size but it is bulkier, etc.

    2. Your body has digested and metabolized the food from the previous day.
  • asmith0301
    asmith0301 Posts: 25 Member
    That is what I was thinking too. I always weigh myself in the morning before I shower. Thanks!
  • cassieday
    cassieday Posts: 55 Member
    When i was preggo i had a non digital and it was always WAY off from what the doctors scale said, so i got a digital one and it was always really accurate to the doctors. They are well worth the extra money!
  • Kassul
    Kassul Posts: 16
    If you have any good sized free weights around the house you could always use those to test out your two scales.

    You can be fairly certain that they're accurate, so your scales should display something pretty darned close to their rated weight.

    If one of the scales reads something different then you know where the problem lies.