1 week on plan and gaining?

I started MFP about a week and a half ago. My first week was awesome. I didn't cheat on my diet and exercised and drank water and lost 6lbs! Then the beginning of week two rolls around. I didn't have too much of an appetite but I still ate most of my calories and I'm gaining weight! 2lbs back. What the heck is that? I'm not starving myself. Is it normal to lose/gain in the beginning?


  • Upanddown
    Upanddown Posts: 35 Member
    Is it the end of week 2? Because weight can fluctuate from 1 to 3 pounds during the week. Your food diary isn't open for viewing so I have no idea what your food intake is but be sure to consume at LEAST 1200 calories or more. If not....your body will kind of be shocked into thinking it's starving if you've cut drastically and it may take another week to see a loss. Hang in there though....if your eating less and being consistent...it WILL come off....good luck =D
  • crjugrl
    crjugrl Posts: 172
    Unless you burned 21,000 calories in your first week, what you lost was mostly water weight, not fat. My first week I lost "4 lbs" and the next week I "gained back" 3. I'm happy I at least lost something. It takes time. Slowly but surely, if you stick to this, you will reach your goal. Don't get discouraged :drinker:

    Edit: Sorry, I forgot to add that a pound equals 3,500 calories. So to lose a pound a week, you have to burn or have a deficit of 3,500 calories in a week. 3,500 x 6lbs = 21,000 calories.
  • absolament
    absolament Posts: 278 Member
    Could be you're eating too little. Could me your not choosing nutritious food. Could be you've started muscle building exercises. Could be you're over estimating your caloric burn.
  • Kassul
    Kassul Posts: 16
    My assumption is that either you're weighing at different times of the day or that you were still carrying some extra weight from the previous night's meal

    It's generally considered ideal to do your weighing in the morning after going to the bathroom and before eating/drinking anything, simply because this will probably be your lowest weight in the day. People typically gain several lbs through the day from drinking and eating.

    Some fluctuation just happens though, I wouldn't get too worried if you have little wiggles in your weight over time, the important thing is the overall trendline. If you gain one week that's alright, just as long as you're not gaining, and gaining, and gaining(while trying to lose). If that happens then you know you need to reevaluate your methods or your plan.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    How is your sodium and water intake? Too much sodium and not enough water will cause water retention/weight gain. Are your intake and burns accurate? Are your settings correct? Did you choose too high of a loss/week goal? Lots of variables that can make things a bit off.
  • rodneyderrick
    rodneyderrick Posts: 483 Member
    You're probably getting too much sodium in your diet, and that's causing you to retain water which is leading to the fluctuations in your weight. Do not think of MFP as some quick fast way to drop a few pounds. Dropping six pounds in a week is impossible and impracticable. The human body sometimes will shed a lot of water at the beginning of any type of diet change, but things will normalize within a few days. Just keep logging in your calories, doing a little exercise, and you'll lose all the weight you want to lose. Buy a food scale to make sure you're eating the right portion sizes. That's a big killer for a lot of people.
  • katkelly474
    katkelly474 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks everyone. I'm vegetarian so I'm trying to find out healthy alternatives to what I'm currently eating. And yes, I do think that I may be eating too much sodium from pre packaged foods so it's probably water weight fluctuating. I'm going to stick with it and hopefully I start going down again. It's hard getting used to drinking all that water! lol