

  • Birdy_Lynn Have recently gotten back into MFP and counting calories, lost 20 pounds and gained back 10. Could use all the help I can get!
  • Do you wear a heart rate monitor when you work out or do you just use MFP's estimate for calories burned? because if you are eating back some of your calories burned then that could maybe be it?
  • Another important thing is have a high calorie breakfast EVERY morning. I mess up sometimes and don't eat breakfast but it's really bad for your metabolism. Studies suggest that you should have about 20% of your daily calories AT LEAST at breakfast. Hope that helps.
  • Try out this site, I try to follow all of these tips cause I had a super slow metabolism as well.
  • Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. Keep learning low cal filling options, I like things like black beans and fat free refried beans, fill me up and low cal, I add it with my meal and I'm stuffed. Once you get the hang of it you can go back to 2lbs/week. If you are struggling with a diet, you are more likely to fail.…
  • Alli? Is that the weight lose drug? I heard bad things about it... like going to the bathroom in your pants without realizing and such, that kind of thing freaks me out too much to ever use!
  • Counting calories just shows you that things that are advertised as "healthy" can still be bad and sometimes what you think is a good choice is actually not. For example, the other day I was super hungry and at costco, I got a chicken ceaser salad and only used half of the dressing but still had the croutons and the cheese…
  • I'd love to be your friend! :-) I love helping people stay motivated and getting support from others as well! :-)
  • I do believe that all the benefits of losing the weight definitely outweigh the saggy loose skin and I know that every body is different and it might, or might not go back to normal but I believe I have pretty healthy skin and for now I'm going to try everything I can just in case ha ha. I am going to do the shea butter…
  • This is awesome to see for me, I'm trying to lose a total of 120 pounds and seeing how much of a physical difference you have made is awesome! I can really see a change! Congrats!
  • MFP helps you calculate calorie intake. I personally don't eat back my work out calories and that is something that is argued about all over by nutritionists and everyone on here but I feel, if you have a lot of extra body fat and AT LEAST eat 1200 calories+ a day then you should be fine. I do not suggest jogging at first,…
  • EVERYBODY ADD ME!! :-) I love supporting others and being support by people that have the same goals as me. I just started my journey to being a healthier me on Jan. 5th and I've lost 7lbs so far. I started at 270lbs and would like to get down to 150 one day. I read a lot of comments on here and I also have PCOS, took me…
  • Could use some extra cheerleaders as well! :-) Kendra and I cheer each other on and are very committed to losing weight and being healthy! Add us so we can be there for each other!!!!!
  • I'm totally going to get prunes and prune juice tomorrow and probably stop by a vitamin world and check out probiotics. I know if I wasn't having this issue, I'd probably be losing more weight weekly since I'm working out every day and always drink more then 8 cups of water (except today, I was a little short) :-) You guys…
  • I have actually been thinking of looking into these cause I've heard good things about them and how everyone should add them to their diet but I don't know anything about what they do or if there is a certain kind or millagram that's best
  • I was thinking of trying that fiber powder actually! I try and eat a lot of fiber throughout the day but never seem to get very much really. I will have to check that out, thanks!
  • First I'd like to say I'm really impressed by your progress this far. Your workouts are GREAT! Water workouts are difficult and low impact on joints, I know a lot of people who have lost a lot of weight doing them. You should stop calling it dieting, it's a lifestyle change. Living healthy and excercising can be fun! I set…