kcaskin Member


  • Body by vi shakes! I love them, they taste great and give me lots of energy. They are cheaper than shakeology :)
  • I have lost 5lbs in the first week.... I call this water weight :). Anything above 5, I count as a "real" pound lost. I'm just happy the scale moved!
  • Bumping this thread...was getting lost...how is everyone doing?? Thinking about trying out the cardio DVD today....I have been running instead, but my daughter is sick...so thought I would try it...
  • Phase 1, Week 1, is done,,,except for cardio tomorrow. :) It's great to see everyone's progress!!
  • My calorie burn on the program is a lot lower than many of you....and I am pretty sure it is correct. Just trying to figure out why the burn is so high for some.....is it height and weight???
  • I was going to call about the cable too. Good to know they will replace it.
  • I use the body media and I am only burning in the low 200's. I am 5"3 and 145.I only did the phase 1, DVD 2, no cardio.
  • I just finished, phase 1 workout 2. I think I like workout 2 better than 1. My calorie burn is not that high. I use the bodymedia, and it says I am only burning around 200 calories....I do other cardio during the day, so according to the bodymedia, I am burning a total of about 2600 calories a day..that includes my sleep…
  • Is anyone keeping track of their measurements? I measured myself this morning and will measure again after phase one.
  • Completed Phase one, disc 1 this morning....I need to get 8 pound weights to make it a little more challenging...but, still a great workout..I have to do the workouts first thing in the am....before the kidos wake me up :) Hope everyone has a great day!!
  • Me too! I have already prepared my meals for the kickstart week, so I don't have to worry about it. The exercise part is easy for me, because I love it! I am going to make my meals ahead every week to make it easier. I have two little ones,6 and 3 and they keep me very busy and this way I can just grab it and warm it up.…
  • I will be starting April 16th too! I am leaving for a 4 day cruise and get back that Sunday. I love her videos, so really looking forward to the body revolution. Do you plan on following her meal plan? I am going to follow it... Food is my problem... Exercise is my favorite thing to do.. I think I know too much about…