

  • I must admit come dinner time I'm like ok how much calories do I have left to see what I can have, don't always hit my target as sometimes I forget to check what I have left and try not to eat back all that I've earned in exercise so sometimes slightly under but then I see that wee message about my body going into…
  • That's brilliant that you've not got the urge to binge eat or just eat for the sake of eating, just be careful that you're making sure you are eating enough to keep your body functioning over the long term as under eating can have an adverse affect on your health just like over eating, I've noticed a difference since I've…
  • time, patience, relax and enjoy the journey, try introducing more walking into your daily routine, complete your food diary honestly and daily, don't deny yourself the food you like but instead find a healthier version of it, baby steps to start with and eventually you will be striding your way to a healthier, fitter you,…
  • feel free to add me, happy to support and motivate and be supported and motivated in return x
  • I am 5'5", just turned 34 and needing to lose approx 42lbs, don't know how to add you as a buddy but feel free to add me :smile:
  • I only set up my account yesterday so have yet to have the privilage of meeting all these "meanies", think I should be ok though as, in my book, a spade is a spade, no point calling it a digging implement just to make it sound better hehe :wink:
  • Scotland:smile: