I want to give up.



  • Thanks everyone! I'm gonna give it time. It'll be a week on Monday so ill give it till this time next month. I have a little more faith thanks to everyone's comments!!

    You can't give up after a week. I've only lost 7 pounds in 5 weeks..So in 15 weeks, I'll lose 21 pounds. You have to ask yourself. Where will you be in 6 months if you do nothing? Right where you are right now..So suck it up and get to the gym and do those cardio workouts. Plan your meals the day before..Try not to skip meals. The pounds will come off if you eat healthier and really workout hard at the gym. Try to do a little more each day at the gym. If you use a treadmill. You can use the miles display and try to go a little farther each day in the same amount of time..Say you walk or jog on the treadmill for 30 minutes. If you go 1.5 miles on day one..Go 1.55 miles the next day. Try to improve each day and the weight will come off and you will start to feel better...
  • I know how you feel, I gained 60 pounds in a year and when I found out how much I weighed, I panicked and went on a crash diet and lost 30 pounds... And then over time, gained it all back. Then tried again... Gained it all back. Over and over. And I was never thin to begin with, so it's all the more disappointing that my starting place is so high... Argh...
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Just keep logging, and start small. You will find that eventually, everyone has to come up with a fitness and nutrition plan thatbworksmfor them individually and our goals and reasons for our level of fitness change.

    I personally believe that the scale is a good tool to use but the charted weight ranges for healthy are only guidelines. Strive to get to the top of the healthy weight range, and then re evaluate as you near it...

    Try different exercise options. Some of us wear a fit bit or nike fuel band or pedometer and track our activity by taking walks and striving for more activity all day long. Others wear heart moniters during specific workouts .. Even more swear by weight lifting and getting a personal trainer... All of these work, depending on where you are in life and what your current goals are.. Make it fun!

    I wish we all had focused on life long health in those junior high and high school pe classes instead of dodgeball! A little yoga or individual fitness training for non atheletes would have been a better lifelong learning investment!
  • Danni1585
    Danni1585 Posts: 250 Member
    good advice here, check your attitude and change it to take in the advice here. It wont be overnight, going to the gym everyday is BRILLIANT, eating better than you were is BRILLIANT. Logging onto MFP is BRILLIANT. You have lots to be positive about, stick with it and us and it WILL COME OFF. Good luck
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Don't give up! As everyone says - don't see this as a diet, see it as a healthy lifestyle. I never say I am on a diet, I say it's a health kick! But it's more than that even.

    I started off at around 220lbs after my 2nd baby, age 34 and 5'6". I'm now 35 and 163lbs and can wear a US size 8 (i'm English).

    It does take some hard work to begin with, but before long you get into the habit of exercising regularly and you instictively know what to eat. I've been on this health kick for 18 months now and I'm still going strong! I've adjusted my goals as I've gone along.
  • v1ice
    v1ice Posts: 20 Member
    Keep up the good work.. just keep working on it.. you'd do great..
  • laurie62ann
    laurie62ann Posts: 433 Member
    Life Style Change!!!! Do Not Diet!!!!!

    Take it one day at a time. Set small goals. Don't look back. And if you do it right it's going to take time, lots of time. I've been living a healthy life style for 10 months and have lost 65 pounds. You really need to change how your are looking at this!! Healthy Life Style is the only way to go.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Thanks everyone! I'm gonna give it time. It'll be a week on Monday so ill give it till this time next month. I have a little more faith thanks to everyone's comments!!


    I suggest that you don't step on the scales again in that month - just focus on your new habits!
  • BossReyes
    BossReyes Posts: 117 Member
    This isn't a race, not a sprint nor a marathon. This is your life. Take it one step at a time. Stop thinking you need to lose your weight now. If you take 10 years to get healthy, it's better then just giving up! Make one SMALL step every single day towards a better life.
    I literally just wrote about this on my blog at http://www.450tofit.com/do-something-just-do-it/

    Do something, just one thing. Success is what you do everyday, not what you do in a set amount of time.
  • time, patience, relax and enjoy the journey, try introducing more walking into your daily routine, complete your food diary honestly and daily, don't deny yourself the food you like but instead find a healthier version of it, baby steps to start with and eventually you will be striding your way to a healthier, fitter you, best of luck in your journey feel free to add me as a friend as am always willing to offer support and be supported xx
  • Jred36
    Jred36 Posts: 63 Member
    Don't give up. You need to find a plan that works for you. I've done all "diet" and struggled my whole life. I can't remember the last time I was under 200 pounds. I feel great and am on my 2nd 90 Day Challenge and I no longer diet, I've made a lifestyle change. My mom is also on her 2nd 90 Day Challenge and is eliminating her health problems. She has lost 22 pounds and has her blood sugars under control. She never used to be able to get on the floor and if she did it was because she feel. We used to have to call the fire dept. to get her up. Now she can get up and down on the floor withouth assistance!!! Never give up, just find what works and stick to it. You need to have support. I'm more than happy to encourage people so feel free to friend me. :smile:
  • steveinct
    steveinct Posts: 140 Member
    Think about time and what time means. Sure, we all want immediate results, but it is so important to think about everything extrapolated out over time. Why do I recommend this? Simple. Think of this: if you walked for just 15 minutes a day extra, that would be over 100 calories a session. Providing nothing else changed, you would be losing about one pound per month. Anyone and EVERYONE can EASILY add 15 minutes of walking. I am not talking about killing it in the gym here. If I told you by this time next month you would lose one pound, you would probably be discouraged. This is where thinking of everything extrapolated over time comes into play. If I told you you would be under 200 pounds by next summer (2014) by barely doing anything, would you say "heck yeah!"? Of course you would, but I just have! If you walk a mere 15 minutes a day you will be! Now, here is the best part: once you start walking 15 minutes a day, you will probably be slightly more concious of what you eat. There goes another pound. You will probably have more energy and maybe go on a little longer walk or even a hike on really nice days. There goes another pound. In reality, that 15 minute per day will probably have you under 200 by this time next year. 16 pounds in a year. Think about time. That change could bring you to 140 in 5 years. Again, I ask you: If you could be 140 in 5 years by basically doing nothing (lets be real, a 15 minute walk is nothing), would you do it? Ok then. Do it.
  • jojo1410
    jojo1410 Posts: 151
    You can do it. I spent most of my adult life overweight and angry at myself. I tried every diet out there, lost some, put more on. Then I found mfp. It changed my life, the way I look at food and the way I respect my body. I took my time, stuck to my calories but ate what I wanted within my allowance. I logged every day, and promised myself I would be truthful, even if I was over. Then I started to look more closely at my eating habits and made small changes, which have now stacked up to big changes. I eat better and use my calories wisely. I love food and would rather have a full stomach on a healthy meal than an empty stomach by wasting calories on a packet of fries. I started walking, 10 minutes, then 15, now i do 40. When I started losing weight, my energy levels started increasing and so my activity levels did too. Now I do weight lifting. Every week brings new challenges but the journey is so exciting. I lost 57 pounds and still have to lose another 47. Just remember to be kind to yourself. Good luck. x
  • louiselebeau
    louiselebeau Posts: 220 Member
    You really have to think about how awesome it will be when people don't recognize you. Because that, is pretty awesome.
  • hey don't give up so soon I am a lot older then you and alot bigger and well I have lost and if feels so good and believe me when I say if I can do it anyone can...add me if you know how and we can help eachother through this you will make it believe in me and yourself...
  • maurapie
    maurapie Posts: 48 Member
    Sometimes changing too many things at once can be too much to keep up. Maybe change only a few habits at a time, slowly adding more to make your lifestyle changes easier to attain. It may be slower to see any huge changes, but try not to focus on that, focus more on being healthy today, and take it one day at a time.
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    The biggest encouragement for me was to find out how to calculate bmr and tdee and eat a calorie goal somewhere between them. Chances are you're eating a few hundred calories fewer than you need and you'll stall out fast, like I did. I highly recommend reading a post in the forums called "In place of a road map". I'll edit in the link once I find it.

    You can lose it, but It'll take time. You're in a long term committed relationship with yourself, and you want a long, full, healthy life to enjoy.

  • Graceious1
    Graceious1 Posts: 716 Member
    You have to be ready to do this. If you are still at the stage where you "dieting" or making excuses for not doing what you need to do to lose weight or fat you may not be ready. In this lifestyle change you have to think about doing the things you can do for the rest of your life and not just for a short space of time. Keeping fit and healthy is a lifelong thing and will be hard initially because you're not used to it. But once you get through that hard work barrier it will become a habit that you will not want to break.

    All the best with it.
  • lvigue
    lvigue Posts: 13 Member
    When I started I hadn't been exercising at all, I could barely walk a mile. So I did the Couch to 5k (3x a week walking to running program over 9 weeks) and a pilates video 2x week (30 mins. a session) for strength training. This helped my body get ready for harder workouts later, and the interval training of the walking/running and pilates, along with counting my calories on My Fitness Pal, got me to lose 20 pounds in like 2 or 3 months. You have to be patient and sometimes that's really hard, but trust me, time flies and all of a sudden you will look in the mirror and see a whole new person. Don't give up on yourself. Be strong.
  • cookn_mama
    cookn_mama Posts: 228 Member
    I started at 245 pounds and am now at 209 I have lost 5 inches on chest, 5 inches on hips and 5.25 on waist. Once you see the scale moving, it becomes addictive!!! I do cardio every day! Any form. Stop dieting, and just try to eat better and be more active. This works!!!! I'm living proof. I hate dieting, hated working out but now I feel lost if I don't do some kind of cardio everyday. You can do this!! Just give it some time. Today is day 170 for me. GOOD LUCK!!!