I want to give up.



  • sjmitchner
    sjmitchner Posts: 121 Member
    Be honest with yourself. I mean really honest. Don't lie to your diary about anything.
    Do the work, after a while it becomes habit.
    But diets don't work. If you can't commit to changing your habits, you won't be successful for long.
    If you have emotional hangups start working on those too. Lots of folks eat for emotional reasons.
    Exercise. Both cardio and weight training.
    Lots of little steps are in your future if you're seriously committed. This isn't a quick fix type deal. No magic pill.
    Some days suck, some days are awesome. I'm not an expert, I still make mistakes, but I figure that is part of the learning curve for changing my life and body.
    This last bit may sound mean, it isn't meant to be, but it is an issue for some people.
    And consider that you may not be ready to make the change. I know plenty of people who want to loose weight, but want to eat all the same stuff and not exercise. Or think that weight-loss doesn't have a physiological aspect. It doesn't work that way, ask the people who have had tons of success on their journey.
  • Ctorola
    Don't give up! You can do this! I have to tell myself that every day. I have about 20-25 lbs I'd like to lose. I've recently been meeting up with friends once a week, we work out together and get each other psyched up for the upcoming week. Try and find someone who can keep you motivated and hold you accountable. Remember, if you give up, your only cheating yourself.
    I used to look at the big picture, (20lbs) and say, "wow, am I ever going to get there?" But then I was told to focus on the small victories (1-2lbs) and that will give you the oomph or motivation to keep going! A few pounds at a time, knock them off and keep going.
    I get stuck in a rut sometimes and feel like the weight will be stuck with me for life but you want to know what? You have to do the work to see the changes. You need to eat right, watch those calories, watch your portions, write down everything you eat-even a taste of something--it's easy to lose track of those during the day but they add up! Don't drink your calories, drink water!!!! I carry around a water bottle everywhere, if its getting low, I fill it back up. If you think your hungry, drink water.
    Don't snack on junk, have an apple or other fruit, a yogurt. I make a lot of smoothies...with either oatmeal, spinach, kale, or peanut butter..it keeps my fuller for longer.
    I recently ordered a couple different Bob Harper workout videos and they kick my butt! Buy a few different videos, change them up every day, it'll keep you from getting bored with a workout. Let me tell you, his workouts are HARD! but you need to push through, keep telling yourself the reason why your working out in the first place. :)
    You CAN do this!!! Find that motivation, write down why you want to lose weight, why you got there in the first place, and think about how you will feel when you lose weight! Keep doing this every so often.
    Good luck!
  • Markus_7
    Markus_7 Posts: 165 Member
    awesome peeps on here...kindness.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    This time when I decided I wanted to lose weight, I thought, "How would I live if I were living in a healthy, active way? What would I eat? What would I do to stay active?" Then instead of eating to diet and lose weight quickly, I just started eating and exercising as I plan to for the rest of my life.

    Don't think of weight loss as the finish line. Think of the first day you make a lifestyle change as the first day of your new healthy life. There is no finish line. There is only today to worry about. One day at a time. Did you eat right today? Did you exercise today? That's it. That's all you need to do.

    If you want to challenge yourself with physical fitness feats like a 5K, Crossfit or Insanity, you can. But you don't have to do any of that right now, or ever, if you choose not to. You can make a significant difference in your overall physical health with just 30 minutes of brisk walking per day. All you need to do is find some balance in your life to be 100% healthier than you are now.

    Check out this video. It just shows you how simply your quality of life can change with a small modification. I think you'll find it very interesting, motivating, and do-able: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUaInS6HIGo.
  • anitadanafit
    anitadanafit Posts: 38 Member
    You are already a success. You started exercising and watching what you eat. Don't let the scale be the only thing that determines whether you have succeeded or failed. I noticed that my clothes were a bit looser before the scale moved. Look at the big picture.
  • angelmq1066
    angelmq1066 Posts: 1 Member
    It didn't take a week to add the weight, its going to take time. Keep up the great work and you will see the results!!!
  • lexif14
    lexif14 Posts: 23
    Hello there I started off at 211 pounds or 96 kgs I have gotten down to 80 and it has taken a year. I did this a few ways I cut out wheat, dairy and sugar and found that it was the sugar in my diet that was affecting me the most. I have re-introduced the wheat and dairy but try my best to avoid sugar. I also signed up to the gym... words cannot express how much I hated it. so I started walking my dog, which turned into jogging with my dog. And now since i have plateaued again I am swimming to get fit. I always set my self a small goal rather then going "right i want to lose 20 or 30 kgs," which is my ultimate goal my current goal is to lose 9 kgs by my wedding thats 1 kg a month, thats all I want lose 1 kg a month. and that is for me an achievable way to ultimately lose 30kgs to get to where I want to be for myself.Hope that helps.. Cheers feel free to friend me if u want
  • RatherBeOutside
    RatherBeOutside Posts: 24 Member
    'We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.'
    Love that

    Look at all your new friends with your story! You can do it!
  • annazahariadis
    annazahariadis Posts: 6 Member
    You guys are so awesome. I'm already so excited to continue my journey, just this little but of encouragement is making me want to work hard and keep working.
  • AislinnKitten
    AislinnKitten Posts: 18 Member
    The first problem is going on diets, they aren't the way to go, of course altering your current 'diet' is. Loosing weight is about becoming healthy, it's a lifestyle change, you need to make permanent changes not temporary ones if you want to see lasting results. As far as results go, it takes time, everyone's body is different so there's no way to compare your progress to someone else's progress timeline. There's ups and downs, plateaus and frustrations but in the end determination will get you to see the results you want to see and feel. I completely understand wanting immediate results, when you work hard you want to see it right away for yourself and to show off your efforts to others but unfortunately it takes time. The time it takes is worth it though! Good luck, hang in there, you can do it!!! Believe in yourself and take pride in each small step you take towards getting healthy :)
  • beastofthewoob
    beastofthewoob Posts: 1 Member
    Start small and build on your successes. Pick one habit to form - take baby steps. Drink more water. Eat more veggies. Have a low-carb protein shake for breakfast. Look at the work of John Berardi on nutrition (http://www.precisionnutrition.com/). Trying to change everything at once is tough to do - take it slow, you'll be surprised by what changing one habit at a time can accomplish.

    Get consistent with one habit, then go from there. Replace your less-than-optimal behaviors one at a time. Don't stress if you're not perfect - even the Biggest Losers contestants, with all the support they have, fail more often than not.
  • goody2shews
    goody2shews Posts: 129 Member
    I started 1lb more than you are now. We're the same height. I felt the exact same way. The last thing I wanted was to diet.

    If you only do one thing make it logging your food. Just that alone will make a huge difference. Then when you're ready it will be because you want it. You got to want it.

    I'm 177lbs now. It is so worth it.
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    Just stay under your calorie goal! Don't give up.
    And why are you so impatient?
    Good things come to those who wait. -Madame Cliche'
  • djames92
    djames92 Posts: 990 Member
    not to be harsh but if your even thinking about giving up your odds arent good to succeed
  • sgtrowley
    sgtrowley Posts: 246 Member
    Never give UP! trust me Id love to snap my fingers and have a six pack again... but its slow... Ive lost 19lbs Since OCT... 4 Since I joined MFP... When you start to see progress, you will gain some motivation... Wont need to be visual progress... just seeing the numbers on the scale lower!
  • petersonabt
    petersonabt Posts: 518 Member
    That is the problem right there, stop dieting!!! Diets never work out... Count your calories, eat right, workout. It's a lifestyle change not a for now change. You can do it, but you have got to shut your mind up and just do it. No one here can do it for you. I've lost 123 lbs but that is because I was ready and I was really tired of being obese.

    ^^^^^^^ this! and that's coming from someone who lost 100+ pounds...

    I am 24 5'5 and was 210+ pounds...I have lost 70 now. It really is a lifestyle change. Going to the gym is pointless if your still eating more calories then you are burning.

    don't give up on yourself!! you can do it!
  • ProjecThinspiration
    You know what, thats exactly it, your setting yourself up to quit. I've tried diet after diet after diet, and the only thing that seems to be working is just letting go of the mentality that you need to diet. You just need to analyze your food intake. See what your eating on a daily basis and record it. If your eating 2 portions of spaghetti and meatballs you need to measure out a portion and give yourself time to eat and indulge in it. Drinking water before eating helps me IMMENSELY! Infact I now carry and 1.5 L bottle everywhere in the house, this way I can keep my water intake up and the cravings down. Surprisingly enough I haven't opened a bag of Lays in over a week and I'm totally fine.. I did let go of myself over the weekend because I had dinner arranged at my place however I still worked out and gave it everything I got!
    Your only 25 and you have the world at your feet. You can't let a number define you and your here on MFP for a reason so make it count! You gained it over some time its going to take a little time to lose as well!
  • mrsjas2000
    mrsjas2000 Posts: 908 Member
    I felt the same way a week ago and the support I got on here was great, this is a journey and for me I had to realize it is a lifesyle change not a diet. I hope you don't quit you'll feel better in the long run
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    When you say you've started a diet 12 times in a year, did you cut back on the food hardcore and go mad at the gym? That's the sure fire way to produce fatigue - both physical and mental - and burnout. Set a moderate goal. Even for now, as you get started, aim for a 1 lb loss per week. Eat all the calories MFP gives you and eat back your exercise calories. Be diligent about tracking everything but with a more moderate goal you'll be able to fit in just about everything you like in moderation. Don't try and go overboard with salads and eat a bunch of fat-free/sugar-free/carb-free/food-free non-foods. Just eat real food and a bit of junk as it fits in to your calorie goal.

    Once you're used to your calorie goal, you can start increasing protein intake and reducing carbs a little. Increasing protein helps to preserve your existing muscle mass while eating at a deficit. It can also help you feel fuller on less food.

    Even if you lose 1/2 a pound weekly... or a pound... in 6 months you'll feel AMAZING and you won't feel like you've had to sacrifice hard for it. It will become very natural to keep eating that way and even improve your choices i.e. less process foods, more vegetables and fruits, more water, more exercise yada yada yada...

    But don't try and do it all at once. You can do this. There are so many great success stories here. If we can do this, so can you.
  • OspreyVista
    OspreyVista Posts: 464 Member
    I understand. I just feel like I've given up. I've been overweight for most of my life and I just don't know how to break out of this vicious thing. I've been ready for this weight to come off. It's such a burden!

    It's hard to get started, and there will be times when you will probably think it's not worth it, but it is. If you want to be fit and healthy then you're in this for the long haul, for the rest of your life. Take it one day at a time, and start being mindful of what you put in your mouth. Think about what you want, and go for it! I've only lost 11 lbs since September, and there's been plenty of times where I think it's not worth it. But I know it is because I know what I want. And even if I've slowed or stalled at weight loss I'm going to be patient and stick with it. ;) It's tough, but you can do it. You can add me if you'd like a motivational buddy :) I try to be very motivational