I want to give up.



  • beatlebomb
    Please don't give up. I've been on the same road wanting to give up but you know you are worth it. You are worth the life style change, you are worth the time and effort. Make mini goals. 5lbs. Reward yourself every little goal. Write your rewards down and let everyone know what you are doing. The support is great. Count your calories and follow that and you will be surprised how full you feel and you can have everything as long as you are within your calories. One meal at a time. You can do it. Please don't give up. You deserve this!!!!!! A great long healthy life!!!! A great bod is the bonus!!!!
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    I was 25 yrs old and 215 lbs when I started out.
    I am now 28 yrs old and I bounce between 145-155 lbs. Eventually I'd like to hit the 130's.
    BUT my main focus now is (and has always been for the last 3 years) to get strong and be healthy.

    Be patient.
    Even if you aren't seeing results now...you will soon.
    Being active and eating healthy will do your body good, and your body will thank you eventually.

    Feel free to peruse my profile and my pics. You can add me as a friend if you want.

    Good luck.

  • crisipina
    crisipina Posts: 15 Member
    The best and probably only advice I have is just to battle it out for 6 to 8 weeks..its mind over matter...your mind is the biggest factor..it will tell your body that you cant do it..you can! just keep on keepin on...no one said it would be easy..tomorrow is a new day! get it!
  • Chicagolopez
    Chicagolopez Posts: 39 Member
    Habits are hard to break but here are my two cents;

    One I have lost 30 pounds from four years ago and kept them off. Now it is time to hit 175. I have been trying to get up at 6 am since Dec 1st and have not been able to do it. However I have been able to work out 75% of the days four the last 4 weeks. Am I getting stronger and fitter? Of course, but the weight is still there because I am not eating right for me.

    Two, quite the negative self talk. You help no one. Keeping a food diary is not so you telll yourself what a dumbass you are for eating that pizza but it is for your own honest self assesment of what fooods do damage to you.

    3. Read, Read and Read again. There is free information on the web on for some solid diet plans then study them. Implament the ones that have had success then see how they work.

    four: Do you know how much sugar intake you are taking. Are you drinking gatorade drinks which haves tons of sugar.?

    Get that diary going!!! Maybe that should be your first step. This alone will be hard to do. Instituting a new habit takes 30 days I believe. You can do this so start today.
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    I started in 2012 too and lost 72 pounds in 2012. I don't think that is a waste of time. And well before the year 2013 is over I will be at goal weight. Give up if you like, that's your choice.

    Or you can choose otherwise.
  • rosiereally2
    rosiereally2 Posts: 539 Member
    So much great advice has already been given, so I'll just add that I know you can do this! 2012 is SO yesterday. Start fresh, from this moment, with a new plan and a new attitude. It will pay off.
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    That is the problem right there, stop dieting!!! Diets never work out... Count your calories, eat right, workout. It's a lifestyle change not a for now change. You can do it, but you have got to shut your mind up and just do it. No one here can do it for you. I've lost 123 lbs but that is because I was ready and I was really tired of being obese.

    best answer!!! i too fell victim to too many "diets" once i started eating right, working out more and kinda watching calories did i start losing weight...its a lifestyle change that you need to want to do....i was tired of being the "fat girl" i did something for myself and it worked.
  • astorin
    astorin Posts: 7 Member
    I'll be blunt - as someone else said, you didn't get to where you are now in a week, just as I didn't get to where I am in a week, so this process is going to take a while. I will add that usually there is a fear or a trauma that goes along with the food that we have to figure out and face. Otherwise, we will either sabotage our own progress or regain all we lose or both. I've done exactly that. This time along with the calories and the gym I am including my inner self in this process and it is working a lot better. So this is my advice:
    Ask yourself this - "what is the worst thing that could happen if I do all this work and I succeed in losing the weight?" Be honest with yourself, and really think about that.
    If your answer is "I could fail to lose the weight in the first place" followed by comments like "I fail at everything... I'm crazy to think I can do this... etc" What does that tell you?
    If it is "People will expect me to_________(fill in the blank)." What does that tell you?
    Losing weight is about so much more than just the food and exercise, and I believe that when we overcome the reasons that we got fat and/or the fears that have kept us fat, we will be both thinner and stronger people who know ourselves better and value ourselves more. Hang in there, I know you can do this!
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    Also remember there is no short cuts, cutting calories is as important as eating enough. Never eat net under 1200, it is not good for you. Personally, I eat my goal and all my exercise calories and lose consistently. I earned them, I am going to eat. Your body needs fuel.

    Many people exercise their butts off and starve themselves and his plateaus. Follow MFP guidelines they work. It creates a deficit for you.
  • tlwright1966
    Don't give up! I feel what you are saying. I myself have done horribly with my food choices and portions, but keep on exercising. With encouragement we can all get back on that horse, so to speak. Let's get going and we will see and feel results, eventually.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    Ok - yes it does take time...but I can PROMISE you that if you stick to it, you WILL get to your goal EVENTUALLY. I can also promise you - if you give up, you will get bigger and bigger and bigger. Your choice.
  • annazahariadis
    annazahariadis Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks everyone! I'm gonna give it time. It'll be a week on Monday so ill give it till this time next month. I have a little more faith thanks to everyone's comments!!
  • runningwiththepups
    Just hang in there! My workouts are a whopping 30 minutes. I'm doing a C25K program (determined to do a 5K in May!), stationary bike or Yoga Meltdown from Jillian Michaels. Don't mind the scale, just keep track of your NSV's. They make all the difference! :happy:
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    You have to come to grips with the fact this is a complete lifestyle change and nothing else. Make this about the rest of your life and forget about any short term prospects. I started my lifestyle change 42 months ago and have never looked back. Best of Luck to You...
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    There are so many crappy things that happen in our lives that we have no choice about. Things that are beyond our control no matter how much we cry and yell and stomp our feet.

    Losing weight is not one of those things. Take advantage of something that is within your control to change. Just make the choice to do it, and find ways to keep doing it. And the more you learn and get into it, the less it starts to matter that it might take a long time. And a bonus! You'll learn patience along the way too.
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    Great advice from everyone! I'll just add that you need to get rid of thinking in absolutes. If you slip up and eat a few cookies, for example, you have not ruined your diet and you are not a failure who should just eat the whole box. It's OK to eat a few cookies now and then, or whatever your favorite splurge foods are. Just don't eat them every day, plan them into your calorie allotment, slowly savor a couple, and then move on. No, not a failure. Just part of the plan. But if you do really go crazy and maybe have a little binge. OK, acknowledge it, track it in your food diary as closely as you can, and then get back your healthy eating plan the next day. A binge is going to set you back a couple of days from reaching your goal. It's not going to ruin the whole shebang.

    Oh, and you keep saying you're going to keep working on it. Don't work on it. To me, at least, the word work has negative connotations. So learn to play at it. Choose exercises that are fun, that you enjoy doing, and that feel like play. Don't work at finding new ways to cook and eat. Play with new recipes, play with finding the healthiest foods that you like to eat, play in the kitchen. Make it fun.

    If your social activities consist of sitting around and talking and, maybe, eating together. Suggest to friends you meet for walks, or bike rides, or go roller-skating, or bowling, or take up geocaching or hiking or beachcombing, go swimming at the lake or the public pool, or....well, you get the idea.

    And remember that many studies show that flexible dieters have better long-term success. This means that it's good to take a diet break for a week or two every 3-4 months. Maybe plan that diet break around vacations or holidays or special events. And it's OK to have a big splurge meal once in awhile. If you do show a gain after doing this, it's usually just water weight and will go away in a few days. Don't deprive yourself but learn to budget your calories and fit splurges into your new lifestyle.

    Well, I could go on and on but hope these extra tips help. Best wishes. You can do this and you can have fun doing it. Promise. (And I wouldn't have believed it myself when I first started but, gosh, life is so much more fun now!) Enjoy!
  • Destination150
    As mentioned earlier .... Try the B complex vitamin or B12 Vitamin. And drink water. It will help ur energy which will help your mood. And google positive quotes about motivation. That helped me to maintain a positive outlook. I started me a page on pinterest to "pin" them to my wall. Don't let your mental stop u from changing ur physical! U can do this!
  • MikkLuhnRozzWhuh
    MikkLuhnRozzWhuh Posts: 240 Member
    I feel like I'm never going to lose weight. I'm 25 years old, 5'4", and 216lbs. In 2012 alone, I tried to go on a diet 12 times and failed. I started going to the gym on Monday and have gone everyday since and have been eating better but I don't feel any better. I just feel like its all a waste of time. Maybe I'm impatient and want to see results quick. Very discouraged.

    No you don't. You don't want to give up. The more you try, the more the results will WANT to come for you....
    If you stop trying, you'll just be stuck the way you are: unhappy.
    :D Doesn't it feel better that you're doing something good with yourself and trying to be healthy?
    Not about the weight....try to think about being content with health.....let the weight take care of itself.
    You need to set habits....
    Btw, I have a group for 200+ pound people...
    Lots of good stuff in the discuussions....lots of people that can help you out....let me get the link for you...
    You're welcome to join!! <3
  • Aprilwmitchell2010
    How much exercise is enough? I feel guilty when I'm not exercising.. It's weird.

    I feel the same way. Especially if I go over my calorie (like today). It's addicting to work out at first, then it becomes habit, then obsession in a way.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    don't give up.

    you said that you've always had a weight problem. that means you're going to need some time reform good habits.

    just keep at it, little by little and you'll get there.

    remember that your making lifestyle change so give yourself some time.

    my suggestion would be to make some mini goals that dont involve weight loss but that involve fitness. those will keep you motivated to exercise.

    good luck! you can do this!!
