I want to give up.

I feel like I'm never going to lose weight. I'm 25 years old, 5'4", and 216lbs. In 2012 alone, I tried to go on a diet 12 times and failed. I started going to the gym on Monday and have gone everyday since and have been eating better but I don't feel any better. I just feel like its all a waste of time. Maybe I'm impatient and want to see results quick. Very discouraged.


  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    That is the problem right there, stop dieting!!! Diets never work out... Count your calories, eat right, workout. It's a lifestyle change not a for now change. You can do it, but you have got to shut your mind up and just do it. No one here can do it for you. I've lost 123 lbs but that is because I was ready and I was really tired of being obese.
  • haybreez02
    I believe it's about changing the way we eat for life. Diets don't work, you must want to change your behavior for the rest of your life. Change won't happen over night.
  • Richie2shoes
    Richie2shoes Posts: 412 Member
    You didn't become overweight overnight and you won't lose the weight overnight. Be patient, keep at it and you'll have success. You can't diet, you have to change 25 years of bad habits and that will take time.
  • annazahariadis
    annazahariadis Posts: 6 Member
    I understand. I just feel like I've given up. I've been overweight for most of my life and I just don't know how to break out of this vicious thing. I've been ready for this weight to come off. It's such a burden!
  • strutdivastrut
    strutdivastrut Posts: 105 Member
    Stay encouraged. I am 5'5 and started out at 241 lbs. I have lost 24 lbs as of date. Prayer and positive thinking has gotten me through. Eat clean as you can and exercise really is important. It keeps you motivated.Write down your goals and as you meet them do something nice for your self. You can do this.Add me if you like. Nobody is perfect but as long as you keep trying you will le the weight.
  • drknation
    drknation Posts: 2 Member
    For the academic in you (lol), studies have shown that even if you don't lose ONE POUND, you are healthier because you exercise. Just offer this time up as that, keep pushing, know you are getting healthier, and the rewards will catch up. Plus those of us who have dieted and work out before (and for me before, and before, and before... hehe) there are those weeks where you do everything and the scale doesn't move, then a few weeks later you have a big loss. Hang in there!!
  • Markus_7
    Markus_7 Posts: 165 Member
    eating better + exercising...you're on the right path! consistency is everything...discipline too. you've taken the 1st and 2nd steps...further than many. it may take a while for you to feel better, but just imagine how you will feel when you reach your goal! you've got this, don't give up.

    'We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.'
  • ShallaLovee1
    ShallaLovee1 Posts: 356 Member
    That is the problem right there, stop dieting!!! Diets never work out... Count your calories, eat right, workout. It's a lifestyle change not a for now change. You can do it, but you have got to shut your mind up and just do it. No one here can do it for you. I've lost 123 lbs but that is because I was ready and I was really tired of being obese.

    I totally agree with what has been already said. You have to be patient. Give yourself time give your body time. It took time to gain the weight and its going to take time to lose it. Find your motivation, write down your goals, rid your house of things that will stop you from achieving. Most importantly believe in yourself and never give up. We all have time of doubt but you have to keep going! Once you choose to move forward never look back! You can do this! Push yourself and you will succeed!
  • annazahariadis
    annazahariadis Posts: 6 Member
    How much exercise is enough? I feel guilty when I'm not exercising.. It's weird.
  • cindyhanson58
    cindyhanson58 Posts: 11 Member
    it's because you don't feel any better yet that you want to push through it and keep going... focus on making today great... one day at a time.
  • Liz_M_
    Liz_M_ Posts: 25
    That is the problem right there, stop dieting!!! Diets never work out... Count your calories, eat right, workout. It's a lifestyle change not a for now change. You can do it, but you have got to shut your mind up and just do it. No one here can do it for you. I've lost 123 lbs but that is because I was ready and I was really tired of being obese.

    Excellent post and good advice. Diets never work...You need to change your lifestyle choices....forever. First thing you need to do is take a garbage bag and get serious. Go right through your pantry, fridge and freezer and get rid of the stuff that has been 'your friend'. Lose little and frequent and you will do it. Make positive choices. They are the hard ones. The more you do this, the easier it becomes.
  • Hbazzell
    Hbazzell Posts: 899 Member
    I am no Dr. but when I felt like that (and I did for a long time, even before dieting0 I found that taking a B Complex vitamin in the morning was like a miracle cure. I don't want to jinx it because it has worked so well for me but it makes me less moody, gives me more energy, and makes me feel more postitive overall. Caution: It turns your pee neon yellow. It really helped me. Maybe give it a shot.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Don't worry about the weight. If you eat veggies, fruits, lean proteins and whole grains as the basis of your diet - in the sense of your normal eating pattern- and get moderate exercise, you will be healthier.

    Instead of weight goals, try setting nutrition and fitness goals.

    One of my goals is to get nine servings of vegetables and fruits - I was so happy to be hitting five consistently and they changed it!

    Another goal is to build up the fitness to cut the time on my 5k walk. Oh, and to not die of heat exhaustion when the temps hit 100.

    For my long term goals, if I am still at it in August, I will get the new body media bracelet when it hits the market. I don't have to workout X hours or anything, I just have to be still paying attention to what I eat and how much I move.
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    Give up... see where that gets you. you will be here next year complaining that you can't lose weight.... you need to use more one week to accomplish anything.

    Seriously you just started at the gym on Monday WTF do you expect.. magic??! It can take up to 4 - 6 weeks before you see any kind of difference. You need to read some literature on how this works... also stop thinking of it as a diet, you will not accomplish anything if you just think of it as a new way of living
  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    "I want to give up."

  • annazahariadis
    annazahariadis Posts: 6 Member
    You all are so great. I'm so glad I stumbled upon this message board! I'm reading success stories and am really excited to post mine one day.
  • Star_Basil
    It can be discouraging when you're looking for the results to show. I always complain that I wish my weight loss was like a movie where I could hit the montage button and you'd see me punching frozen meat and running up steps throwing my hands up in the air at the top.

    In order to combat these particular blues I would create smaller goals to focus on. For example, I am terrible at side planks and I mean terrible. So my goal is to get less horrid at side planks by setting the goal of being able to do a set of five for each side (this is harder than I'd like to admit).

    This way you break the issue of weigh loss into "bite-size" parts and as you reach your mini-goals you will be getting closer and closer to the big goal. Plus you will gain more and more confidence for each mini-goal you reach. :3
  • CaliforniaSweetheart
    I agree with above poster...good advice
  • MidgeN27
    MidgeN27 Posts: 152 Member
    Giving up s the easy way out...if its worth it it takes effort and time. Maybe you are trying too hard. Why not log what you or ally eat in a day for 2 weeks ad see what the a lories are...then just drop your a lories by 200- 500 calories a day ( as long as you don't go below 1200 a lories a day) and add some walking into your routine. You will lose about a pound a week. Increase your walk every few days. You can do this! Stay strong ad focused. Best wishes!
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    This is sad.

    you are young!

    If I could wake up one day last year at 40 and do this, you can.

    What do you want to accomplish?

    how many calories do you eat?

    what kind of exercise are you doing?

    me 2010 christmas


    me Halloween 2012...and still working on it...it is so worth it...YOU are worth it...now believe it.
