gsg37 Member


  • Hello, thanks for sharing your story. I think this web-site is a great place to get motivated to reach your goals. I have been on here for a couple of weeks now and love it. I think putting my calories down each day makes me think twice before eating the wrong foods. I am a busy mother too, so I know how it feels to juggle…
  • Hi, welcome to Fitness Pal. This is a great site for motivation and encouragement. I have about 30-40 pounds to lose myself and still have a long way to go. Feel free to add me as a friend for encouragement! Good luck to you, stay focused!!
  • This sounds similar to the Dump Cake but sounds much healthier. I think I will have to try this!!
  • Count me in, I prefer a bigger guy too. There is just something strange about dating someone that is shorter and skinnier than me, just does not feel right. One guy I dated asked me not to wear my heels. I think a larger guy just feels more like someone that can protect you, I like having to look up to someone also and…
  • Welcome, I am new here too. Been doing this for about a week so far and it has really helped being on this site. Feel free to add me too!
  • Sounds like you are doing great in your progress. I am hoping I will succeed as well, I have only been on this site for a week or so and love it so far! I will send you a friend request, I need all the motivation I can get!
  • Hi Teresa, you are at the right place! This site is great for keeping track of your progess and for getting motivation. I wish you the best of luck, feel free to add me as a friend:)
  • Colleen, you are in the right place. This site is great for keeping track and for finding motivation from others. Best of luck to you!
  • Welcome and good luck to you. This is a great site to make yourself accountable and to make lots of friends to help motivate you and give you ideas to help you along. Feel free to add me as a friend:) You can do this!!
  • Hi and welcome!!
  • I totally understand the need for sweets!! For me it is chocolate, my favorite is chocolate covered peanuts or brownies. I don't deprive myself just think we have to have everything in moderation. Feel free to add me as a friend, I need all the motivators I can get!! Good luck in your weight loss.:)
  • Welcome, I am new to this site too but love it already. There is something about putting what you eat in writing that seems to make me more accountable, hoping I can keep it up! Feel free to add me as a friend if you want. Good luck to you.
  • Best of luck to you, just keep your eye on the prize! I am new to this site as of yesterday and part of my motivation is to be help my back pain. I have herniated discs in my low back, a pinched nerve and degeneration in my discs beyond what I should have at my age. The doctors say that losing weight and making my stomach…
  • Best of luck to you and remember you are not alone! I am new to this site but can already see how much support there is on here. Hang in there!
  • I have about the same amount of weight to lose too, so you are not alone. Feel free to add me as a friend and we can encourage one another! We can do this, it won't be easy but it will be so worth all the hard work!
  • Lunch is always hard for me too, I like to get away from the office so I have been in the habit of going out to eat. I am trying to change this. Today I brought the Smart Ones Ziti dish and it is always my favorite. I appreciate all the great ideas you have been given and plan to write some of these down to use. I need all…
  • Hello, I am 5"7.5 also and have a goal of getting down to the 150's. Right now this sounds way out of reach for me since the lowest I have gotten in a while is the high 160's, but I have my mind set so hoping I can do this! I don't desire to be really skinny just at a comfortable, healthy weight and most of all to feel…
  • Welcome, I just signed up today. I am needing lots of motivation to keep me on this journey, feel free to add me as a friend! Best of luck to you.
  • Best of luck to you! I am new as well and hoping this sight helps me reach my goals. I know I have to stay motivated in order for this to work for me so I am hoping to make some new friends on here to help me along the way! Feel free to send me a friend request.
  • Hi Jessica, best of luck to you:)
    in Hello! Comment by gsg37 January 2011
  • Good luck, you can do it!!
  • Thanks for the encouragement!