

  • thank you and everyone for help glad ia sked now and i shall increase my intake too x
  • :smile: thanks x
  • but 1200 is what mfp said i shud be eating is this wrong then?
  • thank u ill up my intake too ensure the net cals are always at 1200 and then if i exercise ill eat more do u know if i can use any saved cals and then have nite where i have a takeaway i wudnt have too worry?
  • this plan says 1200 cals a day so eating that ammount is a minimum and exercise is too be added and eaten too on the days which i exercise and thearetically ill be eating enough too lose the few lbs i want but my question is again why when im EATING 900-1000 calories (the rest is made up of my fluid intake ) is the net…
  • weight watchers did work i went from 13st 13 too 11 st 13 but i cudnt afford to keep goin too meetings so i saw this and figured it simular i just meant i eat more then when following ww but i wasnt understanding the net cals cuz felt i was eating plenty and ppl sayin i all but starving i on average eat porridge for…
  • i dont eat what ive earned in exercise i only do exercise 2 times a week i walk 5 miles other then that i dnt do much else so do i have too eat 1200 and whatever i get for exercise aswell? im feeling like i eat more then before i started this plan and i have done weight watchers before n didnt eat this much i only have 8lb…
  • yes thanks i was getting confused im struggling too eat all my allowed calories so was wondering how the hell was gonna eat even more lol x
  • hi im into my first week on here i also have people say im not big but feel uncomfy in my clothes was aiming to lose a stone and see how i felt at that weight good luck with your goal :)