

  • Also look at your fat intake. For a 2000 calorie per day diet the total fat grams consumed should be between 56-78 and Saturated fat shouldn't be higher than 16-22 grams of fat. That is total per day, not per serving. To keep the digestive tract healthy you should consume between 25 and 30 grams of fiber per day. Hope my…
  • It could be a plethora of reasons. The RDA reccommends an sodium intake of about 2000 mg per day. The average American consumes about 6000 - 8000 mg per day. Cutting sodium can help. Then you need to look at the metabloic reactions and that is a vicious cycle. Sodium retains water and water attracts sodium. The key is to…
  • I agree, use the settings the web site suggests and if that doesn't seem obtainable to you or too difficult say you want to lose 0.5 lbs a week. We would all love to say I want to lose 2 lbs but that may be too much to begin. You can always tweek your settings at any time. I would also suggest taking your measurements and…
  • I am sorry you are in a difficult position. Remember the grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence. (Sorry for the bad cliche') I added spaced in your quote so I can address them. 1) When a couple work opposite shifts it makes it difficult on a relationship. It takes a lot of work and effort to keep the…
  • I started 3/31 so I'm not that much ahead. I would love to follow others in their journey with 30 day shred. My idea is to follow the program as stated, 10 days each level, however, after just a few days I may revamp my idea and continue on to the next level when I can complete each level from start to finish without any…
  • Actually it is sort of funny. For years I tried (without success) to maintain the healthy weight I was while my husband does all the cooking. I will not criticize a meal I did not make nor made an effort to influence. (Not fair) My weight went from 130 lbs. when we met to over 200 recently and I am 5'4". I had been pushing…
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