Slumbreon Member


  • Yes, it shows just the active/move calories - which is exactly what I want. Pacer tracks the active calories and sends them to MFP as exercise.
  • If you have Pacer set to sync with Apple Health and Apple Watch - it should show your "Active Calories" as shown in Apple Health, that is my experience.
  • I too find the Apple Watch's overall calorie tracking to be superior and I've been utterly frustrated with MFP's reluctance to give its (paying!) users the option to pull the calorie data from the watch. I've resorted to turning off step tracking all together in MFP and manually entering a generic "Daily Activity" exercise…
  • Noosha- sounds like you have a problem with your watch. Have you asked Apple?
  • 4-5 a day most days
  • Maintaining for 2 years now; first time in 45 years I haven't yo-yo'd back up. For me - I log everything (1120 days now) and weigh in daily. No hiding or long-term rationalizing — it gets logged and I face reality; there are good days and bad, but when faced with the data I make better choices and bad days/weeks don't…
  • I always track, approaching 900 days, every day. Have had lots of 'red' days for one reason or another, logging them keeps me from deluding myself. I remember that It's data, it's not a judgement. For me, choosing to not log bad days would be like pretending they didn't happen, and that's a path that doesn't end well.…
  • White flour-based carbs. If I even eat one cracker, bread slice, pancake or dinner roll, something switches in my brain and I just need (NEED!) more. If I don't eat them, I don't get the urge - so they're gone.