
  • I like it...I like the socialization we get from it...when you get a group of your friends to join, or even if you're meeting new ones on this site, its such a help to have people encourage you! And it's nice to see men on here too, being overweight isn't just a female thing. "-) Welcome!
  • Hi, I'm KC....glad to see you're doing something about it now instead of waiting until you are in your 40's like I did. I like this site too, and have encouraged several people I work out with to sign in, so we have a little "club" going....I think it's great we can all encourage each other, I mean we all have the same…
  • I don't, but that may just be me. I'm eating what I should to fuel my body and I figure anything I burn off working out is to my advantage.
  • I'm giving myself a range. Minimum 1000 maximum 1425 this gives me a chance to have a little extra if I'm so inclined. When I averaged it and worked out 45 minutes per day and drank my water, I lost more than 2lbs per week. Glad I found this website!
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