

  • Eat whatever you like, but eat half of what you normally would - If you consciously eat way slower than normal it's much easier to accomplish this. The left-overs can be re-heated for lunch tomorrow! I have Chinese food (and other takeaway crap) practically every weekend cos I'm addicted to the stuff, but my continued fat…
  • As people have suggested, eating before you go is good advice. Otherwise, once you're there just limit the portions of crap that you eat. Have a variety of crap that you desire in taster size portions - that's what I've done in similar situations. It can be fun having a selection of those crappy foods in minuscule taster…
  • Calorie counting is the key to success! This site does a great job of helping with that. Plus I use their free Android phone app (also available for iphone), which easily helps me to quickly log my intake when I'm out and about. In some weird way, this site helps make fat loss fun!
  • Sadly, motivation starts with the individual. If he doesn't actually WANT to lose any weight, he never will. Well done with your own progress. Maybe as your man notices you getting more attention, he'll feel the self-motivation to get his muscles moving!
  • For me, it was a different story. I started last summer and took monthly photos. My first photo was a fat bloated smiling grin. Then, each month after that, my face became thinner and I looked more and more unhappy as I was depriving myself from all the 'bad' foods I once enjoyed... Okay - then I started appreciating my…
  • Something must be wrong with your math. It's impossible to consume 1200 calories a day for a whole week and not to lose anything (unless you're already dangerously low in body fat).
  • It is estimated that 80% of weight loss can be attributed to dietary control. If you're looking for that extra 20%, exercise is the way forward.
  • Happy birthday for next week! Just say no to the birthday cake ;)