Need some diet buddies!!

missdotty Posts: 4
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hi my name is Joe and I've just joined the site! I am 38 soon to be 39 in 1 weeks time ;-) I would love to get some diet buddies to help me shift 5kgs!! Thanks for taking the time to read this!!


  • EQHanks
    EQHanks Posts: 170 Member
    I am here for ya! Good luck through this journey, you can do it! This website is an amazing resource!
  • michie1979
    michie1979 Posts: 41 Member
    I've added you :) I love this site, I just need some buddies to help me too :)
  • Happy birthday for next week!

    Just say no to the birthday cake ;)
  • mobymarsh
    mobymarsh Posts: 67 Member
    hi i have added you to it was my birthday christmas eve so i know what it is like to have a birthday around christmas keep strong and good luck
  • Welcome. Just stick to it you'll be finnnneeeeee.
  • mandster
    mandster Posts: 95 Member
    Hi, I'm Mandy. I joined a few days ago and I'm 38 too. Need to lose at least a stone so happy to be a diet buddy!

  • I started here about six weeks ago and lost about 5 lbs only...the best thing I found was that I was aware of what I was eating. Over the past ten day (Christmas) I really didn't worry about food that much, but was pleasantly surprised to have only gained 2 lbs total...normal holiday gain would be about 5-6 lbs. Now that the holidays are over, I plan to keep on track and lose about 30 lbs.
  • Heidi1987
    Heidi1987 Posts: 191 Member
    Hi, Happy birthday for next week. this site is amazing, you'll love it!
    good luck with your journey
  • Hey! :-0
    I am looking for support/diet buddies as well.
    I am 46 years old. I had twins (a boy and a girl) at age 42 and also moved to a different state - which has been a HUGE challenge in itself.
    I was at 175 and am currently at 149 - I went down to 143 -and low and behold the holidays got the best of me.... I am sure the 2 boxes of chocolate covered cherries and the wine I consumed had something to do with it.... :-0
    I welcome some supporters as well supporting others.

  • Good luck!!! It's so hard to do, but it can be done especially when you have support! This is a great "reminder" of what you put in your body! It makes you stop and think before you put it in your mouth. I just turned 40 and want to stay looking and feeling young!
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