Birthday Party Tonight - HELP!

muffintopminx Posts: 541 Member
edited September 27 in Food and Nutrition
I can't get out of going to this birthday party tonight and there is going to be very unhealthy fare and alcohol. How am I going to resist chips, dips, cake, wine, and whatever else they serve?!? I'm trying to limit my calorie intake today so I can ingest the majority of it tonight. I've been doing pretty well and don't want to screw it all up though. Tips, advice, encouragement???


  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    Eat first and have water to keep you full and don't go near the food if you dont have to! If you do, maybe there will be veggies, just watch the dip and have small portions. A small amount of cheese is another option if you have to have something.

    Good Luck, whatever you have just log it and tomorrow is a new day!
  • melissa0001
    melissa0001 Posts: 313 Member
    bring a veggie tray if it is at someones house
  • MelHoneyRocks
    MelHoneyRocks Posts: 223
    What I have always done: eat before you go, then bring a veggie tray with some sort of dip that you enjoy, that way if you do get hungry you can snack on what you brought.
  • craftylatvian
    craftylatvian Posts: 599 Member
    Can you eat before you go? That way you will not be hungry at the party. Is it at a house or restaurant? Are you supposed to bring any food? If so, bring some veggies and hummus.
  • I have to agree with Melzfire. I would eat before you go. Because if you have been trying to save calories you willl be HUNGRY!! We are okay when we are hungry, but when we are HUNGRY we loose all control. I would also say you should do a really good workout first. That way when you look at tempting foods you can think hmmm, all that kicking my own butt today, that doesn't look that appealing any more. Good Luck!
  • As people have suggested, eating before you go is good advice. Otherwise, once you're there just limit the portions of crap that you eat. Have a variety of crap that you desire in taster size portions - that's what I've done in similar situations. It can be fun having a selection of those crappy foods in minuscule taster portions. Also, eat slooowly. Take smaller bites because making the crap last will help stop the inevitable desire to fill yourself with even more of the crap.

    P.S. Enjoy yourself.
  • Get a workout in before going to the event. I have the same problem tonight. Going to a gathering for a friend after work. I worked out this morning at 5 am rather than my usual time of 4 PM.
  • jescadet
    jescadet Posts: 14 Member
    Do you have a 'pal' to attend the party with you (from MFP, or just someone who knows your new mission and can be supportive on site)? Perhaps bring something, potluck style, like fresh fruit/veggies and seltzer water, so you know that there will be guaranteed guilt-free options available for you. Another idea is to pull out a camera to keep your hands and mind occupied with something other than food.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Have you been really good lately? If so - have some fun! Don't eat at a deficit today - that gives you something like another 500 cals before you are "overeating". And don't stuff yourself, just have what you want but no more. I don't turn down birthday cake thank you very much! :laugh: But, I don't have to be eating chips the WHOLE time I am there!
  • muffintopminx
    muffintopminx Posts: 541 Member
    Thanks for the good advice! Can't squeeze a workout in beforehand, but I will eat something healthy prior. Part of me wants to say, live a little, it's only one day - and the other part of me wants to punch that part in the face. Wish me luck!
  • lcoudon
    lcoudon Posts: 6
    You CAN still drink - drink an ice pick. It's unsweetened ice tea ( you may want to bring your own icetea to guarantee it'll be there) and a shot of vodka. Add a zero calorie sweetner packet and stir. You have a great summer drink that only costs you 60 calories! Don't resist the things you love, just find ways to do them right! Hope this helps!
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    Have you been really good lately? If so - have some fun! Don't eat at a deficit today - that gives you something like another 500 cals before you are "overeating". And don't stuff yourself, just have what you want but no more. I don't turn down birthday cake thank you very much! :laugh: But, I don't have to be eating chips the WHOLE time I am there!

    I agree!
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