Savannah1204 Member


  • Very happy to see this post! I have 60+ lbs to lose and I'm scared I will fail too! Feel free to add me! I am just starting as well and need all the friends I can get. I have to say, being on MFP is the best way to do it. I have had so much support, its crazy. I have only been here for 4 days! Keep your head high! We can…
  • The garden is a great idea. Don't just have him involved in the picking - I would suggest involving him in the whole process so he takes some ownership in it and really sees the whole thing! You could even try giving him his own section that he is in charge of. I think having them help in the planting and maintenance…
  • WOW! Thank you all soooo much! I cannot believe the support on here. With all this I may actually succeed this time! Minus the magic protein shakes and pills!! hahaha. Portion size seems like something I can really try! My family too, NEEDS (think they need) to have the junk food in the house. The temptations are always…
  • I am just starting my journey too! I have the same questions, but MFP is so helpful! Add me if you'd like, it's nice having someone in the same situation!
  • I'm 21 and working on losing 40lbs too!! Just started today, so motivational friends is a must!!