Question- how do you lose- just starting out

So-Im just starting out on my weight loss journey- thanks to everyone for posting- ive been reading for days. My question is- how did everyone start out ? I mean- if i just start eating the right amount of calories- will i start losing weight? And when i start losing weight- will this program tell me when to decrease my amount of calores?
Thanks for any help you can give me :)


  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Yes, that is the plan. Eat the calories it tells you. As you lose weight, log it and your calories should adjust as needed.

    Some things to remember:

    It's important to set a realistic weight loss goal. If you only have 20 lbs to lose, 2 lbs per week is likely too aggressive. 1 lb a week is more realistic.

    When you log exercise, you will be allotted extra calories to eat. If you have figured exercise into your activity setting, only eat the calories for exercise done above and beyond what you figured in. If you are set to sedentary, log all exercise outside normal daily activity and eat all or part of those calories back.

    If you don’t have a FitBit or heart rate monitor or something of that nature to tell you how many calories you burned through exercise, then you may want to only eat back a percentage of your exercise calories to allow for over-estimation.

    And, it’s important to remember that ALL of this, everything on this site or on internet calculators, is an average. If you are not getting the expected results, you may need to tweak the plan to fit you.
  • mulecanter
    mulecanter Posts: 1,792 Member
    Yes, follow the MFP instructions and it will work. Measure and log, measure and log. Exercise is a must. Don't eat back all your calories, leave some as margin for error. Drink water, thirst disguises itself as hunger--very sneaky. Stay active on the message board--the social support is very important. Weigh everyday but don't freak out--your weight fluxes because of water. Water weighs 1 pound/pint. If you have a binge episode, don't freak, forgive yourself and get back on the wagon the next day--you can't gain much in a day no matter how much you eat. Your weight loss will come in spurts, you will plateau and then break loose again later as your body processes perk along. Be patient. Exercise is a must (yes, I said that already).
  • spendthatcash
    spendthatcash Posts: 6 Member
    I've always been too aggressive in my weight loss attempts in the past (cutting calories to 1200 + cardio 5 days a week) and I never stuck with it long enough so this time I started differently

    1. I set my weight loss goal to 1 lb a week. MFP calculated 1,700 calories per day for that. This worked out fantastic because I ate nearly as much as I used to, so I didn't feel like I were starving aka dieting

    2. I made healthy substations with my grocery, e.g brown rice instead of white, oatmeal and cream of wheat instead of Lucky Charms lol. A typical day for me looks like this:

    Breakfast: 3 scrambled egg whites (salt & pepper), 1/2 tsp of butter, 2 slices Turkey Bacon, 1 serving of cream of wheat w/ 2 tsp of sugar (8 grams). OR scrambled egg whites and cut up chicken breast, low fat cheese melted on top, 1 tsb of salsa, wrap in low-fat wheat tortilla

    Lunch: Chicken BLT sandwich (4 oz of chicken breast cut up mixed with low-fat mayo, low fat honey mustard, 2 slices of Turkey bacon cut up, onions, tomatoes, jalapeños, 2 slices of wheat bread)

    Dinner: Tilipia Fish or Salmon, zucchini stir fried in olive oil + a salad if I'm still hungry

    Snacks: banana and 2 tbs of peanut butter (GREAT before or after a workout), string cheese or fruit bowl

    3. I started with the P90X workout. Cardio 4x's a week, strength training 2x's a week

    I did this for 6 weeks, lost 12 lbs. I allowed myself 1 cheat day per week

    I am in my 7th week and I just lowered my calories to 1,200 because now I feel I can handle it without feeling like I'm starving or dieting, since I'm already in the habit of watching what I eat and exercising. I also am incorporating 1 day of Insanity Cardio into my routine. I still only workout 6 days a week, but I took out one of the P90X days to do Insanity.

    Good luck! You can do it. Just start slow
  • jensiegel39
    jensiegel39 Posts: 163 Member
    It was very hard for me to start, but I felt I had no choice. My doc said I was pre-diabetic, soon to be diabetic, and I was already on cholesterol meds. I was facing turning 40 and just realized there were no more excuses.

    The hardest part for me was finding what to eat. I don't like meat that much and I don't like veggies enough and basically, I like carbs. The hardest thing is to reduce those carbs and sugar, but MFP really helps me. So, I tried to figure out what I could eat. I looked up online some healthy and easy recipes I could make in a pinch for dinner. I went to the grocery store and made a list of the items I could eat (I read many labels), etc... It has been an ongoing process. I never had a huge problem with a large appetite because I've never had one in the first place, but I read that certain foods make you feel fuller longer, like protein and nuts, and so I figured out how to eat those when I did feel hungry.

    Now, for exercise. I started walking. Realized I hated it. I have a bad back and walking and jogging kill my back. I joined a gym and tried the elliptical, which I read was easier on your joints and back. I was able to do it! I remember struggling to do 10 minutes and feeling so good when I did. I eventually bought my own at home for under $200 and use it all the time when I watch my t.v. shows. Great investment. I also remembered I always liked biking, so I started biking (after getting my bike fixed) and found I could go longer and longer distances and really burn calories. then, I somehow found out about a free Zumba class in my area. I've always danced, but I had to quit a year or so ago because it hurt my back and hips too much. Well, Zumba doesn't, and I loved it so much, I started attending 4 days a week. Now, i joined another gym with free classes and am trying all sorts of other fun exercises, like Yoga, Pilates and Kickboxing. I like to mix it up. I also found a few tennis partners, so I can now play.

    As for exercise, you have to find something you'll like enough to stick with. At first it will be hard.I find having good music really helps and keeps me pumped up. I hate lifting weights, but they're necessary to burn calories and tone, so now I found some classes that are dance type classes with cardio and weights and I love them! They force me to lift and it's so much more interesting to do with others than alone. My sister discovered she loves crossfit. She goes several days a week. Everyone has things they like and hate, and you have to experiment to see what you'll like enough to do. Don't worry if you're not great at first. I did the elliptical for ten minutes that first time and thought I'd die. Now, I can do over an hour without barely breaking a sweat. Not even kidding.

    I've lost 74 lbs. to date with MFP. The support on here is so great, and I find it easy to log my food. You can also do recipes, which is great. It keeps me honest and lets me know if I'm overdoing some things,like salt, which always surprises me. When you order a grilled chicken breast in a restaurant, be careful. Often, it has a ton of salt. I wouldn't know that unless I used MFP. Oh, another thing. Whenever I go to a restaurant, I always look up their nutrition info and try to figure out what I can order ahead of time. I won't go to a restaurant that doesn't post their nutrition info. It's not worth it to cheat or eat something that has many more calories or carbs or whatever because they won't publish that info.

    I find one of the best things to order in a restaurant is a petite sirloin steak. i usually have grilled onions with it, a small salad, and half a baked potato. Depends on how many calories I have left for the day. And if I overdo it, then I know I have to work out more because I NEVER want negative numbers on my food diary!

    Anyway, good luck and feel free to friend me. I'm not expert, but I've been on here 7 months or so and have had wonderful success!!!
  • jensiegel39
    jensiegel39 Posts: 163 Member
    Oh, I forgot to mention that thanks to MFP and my wonderful friends and efforts, my cholesterol is normal and so is my sugar. I'm no longer prediabetic! And I have met many new friends by attending all these exercise classes, biking groups and tennis matches. it's really changed my life in lots of wonderful ways!
  • jensiegel39
    jensiegel39 Posts: 163 Member
    Oh, and another thing... As for weighing yourself, I do also do this every day. Sometimes many times a day. Okay, always many times a day. I've gotten to know my body that way. If I gained or stayed the same, it inspires me to try harder, to work out longer, to eat better. Same with if I've lost. I find it motivational. I (mostly) don't let it get me down. I've plateaued for several weeks. I went on a trip and ate really healthy but had to eat at restaurants and I gained ten pounds. Then, I lost it all right away. It was water from having too much salt because restaurant food is really bad for you for the most part. I've also taken to cooking more than going out, which can be hard because I work a lot, but I know it's healthier. I think it has made a big difference. Some allow themselves to cheat once a week. There's merit to that, but I don't do it. I don't trust myself. I may have a french fry or two from my boyfriend's plate, but I always log it! Seriously. If you're not honest on your food journal, there's no point. i do not log on here weight gains. I have a lowest weight, and if I gain, then I'm striving to reach that weight again. To me, the gain is not official. I notice I lose two weeks of the month and gain or stay the same the other two (one for ovulation and the other for my TOM). I know that now because I weigh myself so often.

    Anyway, I'll stop now! Much luck to you!!!
  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    Just worry about cutting calories and losing now. Yes! That will work! You might "plateau" for a week or a month at some point. Be patient. Keep going and it will work. Ask questions along the way. By the time you reach your goal you will have figured out how to maintain:)
  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    Oh, and another thing: all you need to so is have a calorie deficit for now. Do what works for you!

    For example:
    Skip breakfast
    Eat breakfast every day
    Miss meals
    Eat every four hours
    Eat meat
    Don't eat meat
    Weigh yourself once a week
    Weigh yourself three times a day and get irritated by the gain
    Think positively
    Think negatively
    Lift pink 3 lb weights
    Read "Starting Strength" and lift heavy
    Jump on a mini trampoline
    Do step aerobics
    Prep lab your food
    Be totally disorganized so that at 3:00pm you go "crap! I can only have a cup of yogurt and then I'm done:(
    Eat 500 calories over your TDEE one day, then make it up over the next two or three so that you end up with a calorie deficit at the end of the week
    Sometimes take a week off to just maintain (eat at TDEE for a week)
    Eat more fat
    Eat less fat
    Meet your protein macros
    Sometimes go under on you protein

    If your goal is to weigh less, all you need to remember is to have a calorie deficit. Boom!
  • Savannah1204
    Savannah1204 Posts: 7 Member
    I am just starting my journey too! I have the same questions, but MFP is so helpful! Add me if you'd like, it's nice having someone in the same situation!